

The Lord delights in new things. Especially that which pertains to the body of Christ. There is no question but what we are on the verge of a new thing, a new, a fresh move of the Spirit of the Lord such as the world has never seen or experienced before. The new thing is the creation of the Lord and involves a woman surrounding a man. Jer. 31:22 There is most certainly a reference here to the birth of the Christ child. But then, Jeremiah said it would be a new thing something fresh and wondrous. The woman in Revelation twelve is seen about to give birth and when she delivers it is a man child, or a male who is brought forth. Thus far in the history of mankind only the woman has been able to give birth and the Lord is not about to change that. 

With the Lord, new things begin with a new creature. A new, a different, a spiritual person is the one who emerges from a face to face meeting with the Lord. The man who is in Christ has the possibility of becoming new in every facet of his personality. The past life, the life once lived is gone, it is deserted and evaluated as unworthy, unbecoming of one who would follow Christ Jesus. Religious orders and practices are totally unfruitful. That which counts with the Lord is what He makes us to be, and that is a new man, a new creature, a new being. The foundation of the eternity before us is in the new thing which the Lord will accomplish. He will have all things to be new for He is the Lord of the new heavens and the new earth, which He will populate with a people like unto Himself. Rev. 21:5 

The pleasure, His delight and the joy of the Lord is found in His creation. All of His creation He has brought forth for His eternal purposes. In particular that which will become His Bride. Rev. 4:11 It was not a good thing that Adam was alone. He needed a companion, one like himself, yet different. Gen. 2:18 Therefore the Lord opened his side, shed blood, and of his rib made a wife for him. She was formed into a woman by the hands of the potter. His nail scarred hands are shaping the church into His Bride. She came out of his side, even as the Bride is redeemed by blood and water, that which flowed from the wounded side of the Lord Jesus. John 19:34 They both bore the image and the likeness of the Lord. His promise to them was that they were to have dominion over the earth and to be fruitful and multiply. Gen. 1:28 They were to fill the face of the earth with their descendents. 

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