

The Bride of Christ is to be a special people. She is the handy work of the Lord Himself. As he formed Eve and made her to be a mate for Adam, so, in the end of the age, He will once again form a people whom He will create for His Son. We are His workmanship. Created, formed, shaped in the likeness and model of the Lord Jesus. Abiding, dwelling in Him. Gaining strength and sustenance from the Word. A company, a body of people who are prone to good works. Works of righteousness and holiness as they follow the pattern established for them by the Lord Jesus. They fit perfectly into the eternal plan of the Lord. Living a life unto which He has called them and walking in His paths. Eph. 2:10 

As far as the world and the religious order of the age is concerned the people upon whom the Lord will bestow His great favor are a nondescript, rag-tag people who have no pedigree. They do not have the history and background of Israel. They are from every tribe and nation. The Lord said through Moses that they are not a people, or a known and admired nation. They are even called a foolish nation. These words were spoken to a nation (Israel) which had greatly displeased the Lord, not once but repeatedly. Now He is calling and turning to those who were outcasts. Deut. 32:21 Rom. 10:19 

This people who were once far from the commonwealth of Israel and strangers from the covenant of promise, completely without the Lord, have now been turned around. They are now included, they are the people of the commonwealth and heirs of the promises of the Lord. They are the people of the Lord. Where once acceptance and inclusion was by race, it is now by grace. No longer can one nation say that we are the people of the Lord. Now it is the people of every tongue tribe and nation who have been born of the Spirit. A people who have been redeemed by the blood of the Lord Jesus. 
Eph. 2:12-13 

The fence, the division has been eliminated. There is no difference. There is no such thing in the body of Christ as a Messianic Jew or a convert from any other nation or religion. If we are in Christ we are all Christians, period The Lord Jesus has made of Jew and Gentile one new creature. A new man. Showing partiality to no one. Eph. 2:14-15 Any differentiation is man made and not the working of the Spirit of the Lord. All are reconciled into one body by the death of the Lord Jesus on the cross. Gal. 2:16.

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