

The Lord will build the Spiritual body of Christ. It is a spiritual entity, showing forth the reality of that which is mystical in the sight of the Lord.. We must always remember, that with the Lord, spiritual is that which is real, eternal and everlasting. All things pertaining to this world, which we call real, are but transitory. They are here today and gone tomorrow. The unifying of the body of Christ is the result of the workings of the Spirit and the Word in the lives of those who are new creatures in Christ. Its is the good pleasure of the Lord to establish each and every one of them in the body, at His own pleasure. 1 Cor. 12:18 Without diversity of operation and responsibility in the body, there would be no body. Most certainly, all would want to be incorporated into the most glamorous parts. Such is not to be the case. Regardless of the particular part or organ, whether considered by some to be beautiful or ugly, all will share and share alike in the glory of the Lord that is manifest in the bride. There will be many members, but still one body. 

1 Cor. 12:20 Actually, those parts which are considered to be of less importance are to receive the greater attention. Because of their responsibilities and contributions to the body, the whole of the body will heap more abundant honor upon them. The assembly and structure of the body is an act of God. He alone has the ability to combine such a diversified group into a perfectly synchronized team. This body, His body will have the ability to exercise spiritually every role assigned to the natural body. Out of Adam, the Lord created an Eve, from Christ the Lord will create His Bride. For, it is the Lord who will blend and adhere the church into a perfect unit. 1 Cor. 12:24. 

Just imagine, a church without a dissenting voice. That is a miracle. Jesus prayed for His disciples, surely that would include His prospective Bride, that they might be one, with the same unity that exists between the Father and the Son. An affinity which is perfect and absolute. How could any prayer that He prayed ever go unanswered. Not only did he pray that they might be as He and the Father, but He prayed that He and the Father might dwell within His people, binding them into the same Divine unity. Where the author and finisher of unity is dwelling there can be nothing less than full and complete unity. John 17:21-22 The body of Christ will demonstrate perfect unity and harmony as they are motivated by the Holy Spirit. The example. Acts 2:46.

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