

A male child. One destined to a position of leadership and appointed to rule all nations. Rev. 12:5 As with many things in the eternal kingdom of the Lord, there is to be a shared rule and authority. The specifics are not spelled out for us only these are mentioned as having a position of responsibility. The Lord Jesus is shown as being one who is to rule with a rod of iron or a shepherds staff or the scepter of a king. He is acknowledged as the Son of God. As one having an eternal throne. He is addressed as God. He is to possess a kingdom and is to reign in righteousness. Heb. 1:8 Because of His love for righteousness and His hatred of iniquity, God, His Father has anointed Him with the oil of gladness above His fellow leaders. That makes Him supreme. Heb. 1:9 He is the head, to the body, the church. He is likewise the first born from among the dead. The first resurrected to life eternal and with a glorified body. He is above all and has the preeminence over all. Col. 1:18. 

In all governments there is the leader, be he a president, prime minister or a king. Associated with him there will be an assortment of leaders, each with a governmental responsibility of some sort. In His message to the church at Thyatira, to those who would keep His works unto the end, Jesus included a promise to involve them in the responsibility of the management of the nations. The same term is used for them as was used for the Lord Jesus. Royalty will produce an offspring of Royalty. That which is heavenly will likewise produce offspring of the same kind and nature. The man child born of the marriage of Christ and a perfect church will bear that which is eternal. He is immediately caught up, into heaven. He will participate in guidance and spiritual leadership shepherding the nations. He too has the same terminology used in relationship to his duties as the others. He will direct or rule with a rod, or a scepter of iron. Rev. 12:5.

We have an example of the dividing of the people in the instructions given Moses by Jethro. The people were divided into thousands, hundreds, fifties and tens thus easing the work load that Moses carried as he tried to lead the people. Ex. 18:21 A wise Moses gave heed to the words of his father-in-law and at his advice divided the people. Ex. 18:24 Our God is a God of great variety. Nothing is ever boring in His presence or in the things that He creates. No two individuals are the same. Not even identical twins are truly identical. Eternity and heaven will have the same divine touch and variety in all that the Lord will bring forth in the new creation. 

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