

The midnight hour represents the end of the age. Where a last day revival was at one time exceedingly unpopular as a prophetic word, it is now being proclaimed by almost all in ministry. Its end result will be our current subject. The ultimate work of the Lord, a Bride for His Son. Thus far in the parable we have ten virgins acting in unison. No difference is yet evidence among them. They all awaken together. They all trim their lamps, enabling them to shine brighter and without smoking. Mt. 25:7. 

The trimming of the wick is necessary for the continued burning of the lamp. The church of today is comprised of a mixture of ideas and doctrines. From a natural standpoint it looks impossible to achieve the purity of life and doctrine essential for the blending together that is necessary for the composition of the bride. Nevertheless, the Bride of Christ will prepare herself for that glorious wedding day. Rev. 19:7. This is the moment of division. The chaff will be separated from the wheat. The chaff is vital to the kernel of grain until harvest time. Then it is separated and cast aside. What is the chaff to the wheat. Jer. 23:28. 

To the church at Laodicea, the trimming of the wick was an act of love. A love that many would reject because of its nature. Let it be known, that if the Lord sees fit to work in our lives in such a manner it is an assurance of His love for us. His act of love is a rebuke, an admonishment from the Lord which most assuredly will bring conviction. To be reproved is not at all pleasant. It is not always received graciously. His act of love will contain chastening, punishment of some sort. Discipline, training, teaching all with the purpose of a change in the actions of the person being corrected. The range of correction will depend on the personality of the person being corrected. It can be mild or stern and seemingly almost excessive. Some will respond quicker than others. Stubbornness is as iniquity and idolatry. 1 Sam. 15:23 Let us not forget, when we are being punished by the Lord it is for our betterment and is evidence of His love for us. Rev. 3:19 It is the call of the Spirit and the Word to repentance. It is His goodness, His mercy that brings pressure to bear on us until we come in repentance. Rom. 2:4 Chastening is a very important segment of the Christian experience. It is a sign of assurance that the person being corrected is still fully accepted as a son. Heb. 12:5-7.

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