

The Lord has established a true foundation in His Zion. Isa. 28:16 If the building is not founded on the Son of God, the Lord Jesus Christ it is not of His building. There is no other foundation for the authentic city of the Lord. He will not acknowledge anything which does not have the Lord Jesus Christ as its foundation. 1 Cor. 3:10 For certain, the spiritual, the real, the firm foundation which was laid by the Lord is the only one which is acceptable to Him. 2Tim. 2:19 Its seal is the fact that the Lord knows those who are His. He requires all who would claim to be a part of what He has done, and is doing, to depart from all iniquity. 

Jesus referred back to a stone rejected by the builders of the city of Luz. Mt. 21:42 A poor choice made by man for the Lord was to make that stone the headstone of the Lord’s city. Jacob found that rock and used it for a pillow. Jacob saw that stone as the basis of the stair way to heaven. His awesome dream/vision so greatly impressed him that he called it the house of God and the gate to heaven, therefore he called it Bethel (house of God.) Gen. 28:17-19 Jacob set the stone up as a pillar and anointed it. It was a type of Christ, rejected of men but chosen and anointed of the Lord. 

This stone upon which the church is built is of great values in the eyes of the Father and must be to the church, especially in the end of the age. It is the stone elect, chosen by the Lord. Anything not constructed on this rock will fail badly when the storm’s beat against the church. It is a stone of exquisite value to both God and man. Those placing their trust in this foundation will never be confused or put to shame. 1 Peter 2:6 Thus we see that the real, the true Sion is not after the flesh but after the Spirit of the Lord. Jesus is that living stone. Indeed disallowed by men but God’s very elect. 1 Peter 2:4 His Sion is built of living stones. Stones which are quarried by His own hands. Shaped and cut to fit perfectly into the body of Christ. The true temple of the Lord. Constructed to be a spiritual house. The dwelling place of the Most High. The attention of the Lord is focused on the spiritual rather than the natural. The natural my join the spiritual by the same process as all others become a part of the body of Christ. This stone has a dual effect. To the believer the stone is of tremendous worth. To the unbeliever it is a stone causing them to stumble and fall. They are disobedient to and take offence at its message. 1 Peter 2:7-8.

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