

All who are in Christ, are made to be one in Christ Jesus. The divisions that people put upon others are then eliminated. Even the racial division of Jew and Gentile no longer exist in Christ. Christ is all, and in all. Col. 3:11 The Gentiles are destined to be fellow heirs, of one and the same body and are to share equally in becoming partakers of the promises made in the gospel by the Lord Jesus. Eph. 3:6 In the body of Christ the Jewish practice of circumcision has no more merit that the uncircumcision of the Gentile. That which incorporates a person into the body of Christ is the spiritual birth which results in a new creature. Gal. 6:15 

These are the people who were not a people, but are now the people of God. Hos. 1:10 A conglomerate of nations and languages. Peter speaks of them as a people who are the recipients of the mercy and grace of the Lord Jesus. 
1 Peter 2:10 The emphasis should be on the truth that THEY are the people whom the Lord has chosen and called to be the body, the bride of Christ in these last days. When the Lord promised Abram that his descendents would be as numerous as the stars, the sand and the dust did He limit that promise to the natural seed? Or will it be fulfilled in the spiritual seed? Is it limited to this earth or will it be accomplished in the new heavens and the new earth? 

The Lord purposely created mankind, male and female, after His image and likeness. Now, He has had a Son and is preparing a Bride for His Son. The Father is the king of the kingdom of heaven who prepared a wedding for His Son. The illustration is found in Mat. 22:1-13 Many, the whole world is invited, but only a few are chosen. That does not mean a small number but not a large percentage will consecrate themselves to be the Bride. Mat. 22:14 Like the first Adam, the last Adam, the Lord Jesus will have a Bride. Is she just a center piece, something to show off as the Queen of eternity or is there a practical purpose in her existence? The first Adam was a living soul. Formed and created for this natural world. The last Adam, Christ, was made a quickening or a life giving spirit. 1 Cor. 15:45 The first, is the type, the symbol, the shadow. The Last is that which is real, it is true substance. It is eternal, everlasting, endless and is that which will grace the new earth. First the natural, then the spiritual. 1 Cor. 15:46 The natural is like a prophecy nothing but uttered words, until accomplished and fulfilled. In a mystery, Christ and His church, the Lord has set before us His great and glorious plan of the ages. 

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