

We live in a world which has become totally dependent on oil. How strange that dependency on oil for both natural life and spiritual life would coincide at one and the same time. It is mind boggling to think of all the consequences which would happen, were the world supply of oil suddenly cut off. It is a far greater tragedy for the church or any individual to lose the anointing of the Holy Spirit in their life. The wise made certain that they had an abundant supply of oil. More than sufficient to last them through any emergency which might arise. Mt. 25:4 All ten were knowledgeable of the approaching wedding and were filled with great expectation but not all were prepared. 

In the letters to the seven churches the Lord Jesus indicated certain characteristics which were peculiar to each individual church. All of these are evident in today’s church membership. No single church or church organization today is by any means identical with any of these seven churches. However, in each organization, each church, moreover in each individual may be found a smattering, a mixture of the nature and character found in the original seven. 

An example, and a message to the church of today may be found in the letter to the church at Sardis. They were a church with a good reputation as a living church, but one which they did not deserve, for they were spiritually dead. A pathetic condition for any church. Rev. 3:1 All hope was not lost, for there were spiritual elements which had not yet died and would spring back into life, providing they strengthened their faith and spiritual life. Rev. 3:1. 

The key word to this church fits the last day church. Remember your roots, your beginnings. Be steadfast and repent. It is necessary to hear very well this message. Generally we call on the sinner to repent. He is calling for the church to repent. Be vigilant, be strong, strengthen the spirituality yet remaining, of yesteryear, of the forefathers. Watch, be alert, be awake, recognize the time. The wedding is soon to take place. Preparation for that day is vital to participating in the grand and glorious event. The opportunity to repent is now. Rev. 3:3 The time to prepare is now. The class of the five foolish virgins will find that indeed the bridegroom will come as a thief in the night, to them. Because they were not aware of the hour they went off to purchase oil for their lamps. 

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