

The command of the gospel, GO. Mt 22:8 Go into the highways, the streets, the country side with the invitation to come to the marriage. Go into all the world. The invitation is for the whosoever will. A motley crew was gathered by the servants. Noticeably, there seems to be no refusal among them. The good and the bad, without discrimination were gathered together and the wedding was furnished with guests. Mt. 22:10 One found who did not meet the requirements of a guest. He was not wearing a wedding garment. We should take notice here that these are guests and not the wedding party. Nevertheless, it was imperative that all guests be properly clothed. It is my understanding that the wedding garment of a guest was something furnished by the master of ceremonies. In this case the king. He surely would have been extended the privilege of a wedding garment when entering the kings palace. For whatever reason, he was not properly clothed. Could have been that he thought his four button suit was good enough for any occasion. Mt. 22:11 

When the king came to see the wedding guests he took note of this man and his improper clothing. The king was not antagonistic for he called him friend. In the same breath he inquired as how he had gained entrance without the wedding garment. The poor man had no answer. If such a high standard of proper clothing was necessary for the guests, how about the bride? She must have put on Christ and be fully clothed with His glory. 

This man is then bound, hand and foot and cast into outer darkness where there is weeping and gnashing of teeth. Mt. 22:13 The wedding of Christ and the church will take place prior to the tribulation period. This area of darkness is that time known as the great tribulation period. This man, because of his spiritual dearth will partake of the darkness of that era. It is worthwhile to note that Jesus said that the children of the kingdom would be cast into the same outer darkness. When He made this statement He was addressing the centurion but aiming at the people of Israel who had rejected Him. Mt. 8:11 Again He warned them and in so doing gave us a glimpse into the future. For they would see Abraham, Isaac and Jacob plus all the prophets in the kingdom of the Lord. But, they, themselves not included in that vast multitude of believers who will inherit the kingdom of God. Luke 13:28.

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