Secondly; There is no question about the attitude of the Lord against such practices. Anyone with such a wicked spirit was to be put to death by stoning. Lev.20:27. Could the Lord violate His Word by leading such ungodly individuals to the Christ child? It is incongruous that such a thing would be allowed of the Lord. My two witnesses. Rev.11:3. Tribulation witnesses witnessing to Israel that Christ was their Messiah. Remember, a witness must have been present at the event to which they will give witness. These men are Identifiable by the judgments which they perform. Their works are the same deeds that were performed by Moses and Elijah. As we have already noted these two must attest to the fact of the birth and childhood of Christ. They were there. Moses and Elijah appeared with him on the MT of transfiguration. Mat.17:2. There is no difficulty identifying them here for they are named. They saw Jesus in His eternal glory while He was yet in the body of flesh. 

The women bringing spices to the sepulcher found it empty. Lk. 24:1-4. Two men with clothing that gleamed like lightning stood by, witnessing of Christ and His resurrection. Mary coming to the sepulcher was met by two angels (messengers, witnesses). The word angel has a broad meaning in the scriptures. It can mean celestial or terrestrial beings. In this case, it was Moses and Elijah. John 20:12. At the ascension of Christ two men stood by and witnessed of His second coming. Acts 1:10-11. These visits by these two men will enable them to give a full and complete witness and testimony of Jesus the Christ, the Messiah. they are Moses and Elijah.  It is prophesied of Elijah that he will come before the coming of the Lord. Mal. 4:5 This too, certifies him as one of the two witnesses. He has a future ministry. John the Baptist came in the spirit and power of Elijah. He was to proclaim the coming of Christ. Lk. 1:17 He was not Elijah but functioned in the same anointing as Elijah. The unction and anointing of the Holy Spirit.

SAME MEASURE OF TIME, DIFFERENT CIRCUMSTANCES. The time measurement of one thousand two hundred sixty days is also used in reference to the experience of the Church or the Bride of Christ. Because she is the, wise virgin, class she will not be a part of the horrible events of the tribulation. It is the, unwise virgins, who will face the antichrist and die for their testimony. Mt. 25 What will transpire in the life of the Bride during this period of time is indeed a miracle, but not unprecedented in the life of the people of the Lord. 

ISRAEL FLED EGYPT UNDER THE DIRECTION OF THE LORD. Concerning Israel the Lord stated that He bore them on <eagles wings> and brought them unto himself. Ex. 19:4 To the Bride will be given two wings of a GREAT EAGLE (the enabling power of the Spirit) and she will be transported into the place that the Lord has prepared for her. Rev. 12:14 The Lord cared for Israel by giving them manna from heaven. They ate of the manna. Jn. 6:31 The Bride will eat of that true bread from heaven. Jn. 6:32-33 Their water supply was ample, for the people and all their cattle. That rock that supplied them was Christ. 1 Cor. 10:4 The Bridegroom will most certainly be with His Bride and the supply of water (a type of the Spirit) will be more than adequate. Isa. 43:20 THEY {Rev. 12:6}, interesting, who are THEY. Certainly very God Himself. Elijah was fed by the raven, under the directions of the Lord. 1 Ki. 17:4 Angels ministered to the Lord after His temptation. Mt. 4:11 Although it is called a wilderness, the glorious presence of the Lord will make it to be anything but a wilderness. Actually it will be the Eden of the Lord. A place of beauty as only the Lord can beautify an area. Isa. 51:3 

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