HIDE US FROM HIS FACE. Rev. 6:15 Notice there are seven ranks of mankind mentioned here. Seven is the number of divine completion. This is the climax of the merciful dealings of the Lord with man. Every category of life is covered. They will hide themselves in the rocks and dens of the mountains. How ironic in light of what is happening in the Middle East. Isa. 2:19-21 Isaiah has confirmed this event. Man cannot look upon the glory of the Majesty of the Lord. The light of His glory is more than they can bear. If, and He will, horribly shake the earth what will happen to these who are hiding in these caves and dens? Rev. 6:14b So great is the shaking of the earth that all mountains and islands are relocated, completely moved from their current locations. The topography of the earth will be utterly altered. With such a cataclysmic event scheduled for the end and such a drastic alteration accomplished it will be IMPOSSIBLE for any sinner to live through these horrific happenings and enter the Millennial period. There will be no sinners in that day of rest. None of the countries and cities of today will withstand that day. It is a mythical dream concocted to deceive that tells us that things will exist then, in that day of rest, exactly as they do now. The Word of God says just the opposite. All will be destroyed, the continents, the islands, the countries, the cities totally wiped out.

THIS EVENT IN THE EYES OF THE PROPHET. Jer. 4:23-24 Jeremiah saw a return of the earth to the condition of Gen. 1:2 without form and void, without shape and empty. There was also no light, therefore darkness. No man found there, no birds, certainly no animals, no farms nor orchards, no cities {this will certainly identify his vision with Rev.6}. All because they had disobeyed and dishonored the Lord. He made know His fierce anger and when that is exercised it is utter destruction.

THE LAMB ON MOUNT SION. Rev. 14:1 Mt Sion/Zion established as a spiritual entity. This is the true Sion. The only City of which the Lord has a concern or a love and appreciation for. Ps. 132:13-14 This is the place of His choice. This is the place of His desire. Would the Lord long after and strive for a natural city? Or is God Spiritual and searching after those who worship Him in Spirit and Truth. This is where He will dwell. This is where His throne will be established. This is His rest and resting place. The full sense of an accomplishment that is exceedingly gratifying will be His. This is the zenith of the work of His salvation.

MOUNT SION A PLACE OF BEAUTY. Ps. 48:2 The beauty of Sion is in the location of the City. The word location is of interest, the Hebrew word is, nowph, or elevation which is derived from a root word, nuwph. Nuwph, has a variety of meanings some of which are of great significance and give us an idea of what that City is like. Strong; first lists it as to quiver {i.e. to vibrate up and down, or to rock to and fro}. The City, because it is composed of the Body of Christ and the complete glory of the Lord would be manifest in her, will be a live motivated organism. Ex. 30:35 One other meaning that is used in relationship to the word is perfume. The holy anointing oil was to be used exclusively for the anointing of the priesthood. It was not to be imitated. It was not to be placed on the flesh of men. A special anointing for men of a special calling. A selective essence that will be found in the anointing of the Bride of Christ. She is special! She is the City of joy and rejoicing. Ps. 2:6 It is the holy hill and the Throne of the King of Kings. Christ reigns within her. Gal. 4:26 She is a free City, liberated from all that would hinder or bind. She lives under the perfect law of liberty that is found in Christ Jesus. We have all been born of the incorruptible seed and the travail of the church, she is a mother. Were it not for the church we would not have been born nor nourished in the milk and meat of the WORD.

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