WHAT IS MOSES DOING HERE? Moses is not seen here as a spirit. He is more than spirit. He is here in his physical body which the Lord Himself buried and resurrected. Moses does not have an eternal resurrected body, as yet. He died in the land of Moab. Deut. 34:5 AND HE, who? God buried him and no man knows where until this day, it was kept a secret for a purpose. Deut. 34:6 It is evident that there was a battle over the body of Moses. The devil would have kept the body inactive and dead knowing that the Lord had a future ministry for Moses. It is openly evident that Satan lost the battle. For here is Moses, alive and well conversing with Jesus. Jude 1:9

MOSES AND ELIJAH ARE IDENTIFIED BY THEIR WORKS. Elijah, was given the power and ability to shut off the rain for a period of three and one-half years. An interesting use of time arrangement because we are looking at the same length of time. Use your imagination on the consequences of this judgment. It will be even beyond what we can contemplate or imagine. I Ki. 17:1Luke 4:25James 5:17 It was Moses to whom, God gave the ability to cause the waters to become blood. This was not a red tide. All the water in Egypt became blood, rivers, pools and reservoirs, even in wooden buckets and stone jars. The fish died and caused the waters that contained them to stink. This is a great catastrophe that is reserved for the tribulation period. Ex. 7:17-21 The remaining plagues that Moses brought upon Egypt can and no doubt will be repeated during the tribulation, on the kingdom of the antichrist. It is important that we note that plagues did not have any effect on the children of Israel. They were protected, and so, in like manner will the church be sheltered. By their works ye shall know them. They will judge the earth with all manner of plague and as often as they see fit. Until they have finished their testimony they are untouchable. None can harm them. Rev. 11:6

WISE MEN. Wise men came to attest to the birth of the child Jesus. Their number is not determined. Because there were three gifts it is assumed that there were three men. We are certain that there were two. If one would insist on three, there is another person who was received up into heaven in miraculous fashion and that is Enoch. Wise men still come to Him. Their journey started in the East (or sun rising). They came to worship the Christ child. Mat.2:1 Their visit did not coincide with His birth, for Herod commanded that they search diligently for the young child. Mat.2:8 When Herod realized that they were not going to return to bring him  the news that he had requested, he ordered all the children two years old and under, in Bethlehem, to be slain. Mat.2:16 This would make the age of Jesus to be two or under at the time of this wanton killing of babes by Herod. Joseph was to escape with the young child into Egypt. Mat.2:13 The wise men were led by a star. All stars are suns, shining of their own  light. This star had a specific time and purpose when it appeared and became obvious to them. There are certain characteristics of this star which must be taken into consideration. 

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