THE LAMB IS PRAISED. Rev. 5:12-14 EVERY CREATURE, all who have lived on the earth, saved and unsaved will give glory, honor, blessing and acknowledge His great power. Phil. 2:10 Every knee shall bow, every tongue confess that Jesus is Lord. None excluded, living or dead, saint or sinner, even old Lucifer must acknowledge who Jesus is. Day of triumph and great victory when all controversy concerning Him is settled, in His favor. As always in the relationship of the Godhead, Jesus is the recipient of this honor and the FATHER is glorified. He is well pleased with His Son and rejoices in any glory or honor given to His Son. He is proud of His Son.

JESUS IS GOD’S LAMB. Jn. 1:29 John the Baptist proclaimed Him to be the Lamb of God. God needed a sacrificial lamb. For this purpose THE WORD laid aside His Godhood and lowered Himself to become a man, a lamb, a sacrifice. 1 Pet. 1:18-19 Redemption is only buy His shed blood. Man can acknowledge Him as a good person, a prophet or even God but without the acceptance of the blood of Jesus Christ as our ONLY atonement, there is no salvation. His blood was precious, of great price and value in the sight of God the Father and all those who have been redeemed. Thank God, forgiveness, cleansing, sanctification are found in that sacrifice, for all sin, past present and future. We do not presume or take advantage of the sacrifice for sin that has been made. But, the scripture does show that He bore ALL OUR SINS and that if we confess the same they are forgiven. Sin past, He has forgiven and forgotten. Hopefully, in relationship to the present and future we would refrain from sin and be victorious over the same. If we sin, we have an advocate before the throne the lamb of God. Rom. 8:34 It is Christ who is at the right-hand of God making intercession for us. As Christians we need to understand that to live without sin is the ideal and goal of each of us. Likewise we must understand that there may be an occasion where we need to come seeking forgiveness and pardon from our sin. He is there to acquit and extend mercy and cleansing to those who come with a broken heart and sorrow for their sin. He will ABUNDANTLY pardon.

AN ANGRY LAMB? Rev. 6:16 The time for vengeance has come. The world and the inhabitants of the world will face the hour of judgment and punishment. Why will there be such judgment? Rom. 2:4-6 Because of the total contempt and utter disrespect manifest toward the love and sacrifice of the Almighty. He has made known the overwhelming bounty of His great kindness and mercy, His patience and long-suffering to all men. His dealings in the lives of human kind will lead them to repentance. He is not willing that any should perish but that all should come to a knowledge of sins forgiven. Each unrepentant person is filling a storehouse loaded with acts of the rejection of Gods great and excellent mercies. The hardness, the stubbornness of the heart, the complete refusal to repent and come to the Lord, is the fault of the individual and nothing or no one else is responsible. Please note, that the judgment executed on the day of His wrath is righteous or just judgment. Each and every person will be judged and sentenced according to their acceptance or rejection of the Lord Jesus.

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