In Him, that is in Christ Jesus are to be found all that is needful for eternal life as it is embodied in a natural man. He was born of a woman, born as are all are brought forth into this world. Every human trait possible was made manifest in Him. Every test, trial and temptation common to mankind, He faced and conquered. He was confronted by the entire weaponry of the devil but remained undefeated. Heb. 4:15 He was born sinless, He lived His life in a sinless manner and died the sinless Lamb of God, all for our pardon and forgiveness.

His empathy toward those who follow Him is absolute. He thoroughly comprehends the feeling of our infirmities. In our lack, our weakness, our humanity He feels what we feel. There is not a human emotion but what He has experienced it. Some, with a far greater impact than what we can ever understand. Every experience in His life was preparing Him to be the great High Priest of our profession. As such, He is the epitome of forgiveness, mercy and grace. No one, but no one can commiserate as He can, withal those who come to Him for forgiveness. He is the means and the advocate of reconciliation between God and man. Heb. 2:17.

No one could have taken His place. As the Son of man He was destined to be the Lamb of God. John 1:29 All other lambs sacrificed were but types and shadows of that which is true substance, The Lord Jesus. He is the only true mediator between God and man. None other, regardless of their rank or status, in heaven or on earth can possesses this high and exalted position. There is but one, there can never be more than one, who is the mediator between the Lord and man. That one, is the Lord Jesus Christ. 1 Tim. 2:5 By virtue of the shedding of His most precious blood He has been declared worthy to be the one mediator of the NEW testament which establishes fellowship between God and man. Heb. 9:14-15.

It is established to be a BETTER covenant than the old. As a matter of fact, there is no comparison. It is the difference between that which is reality and that which is but a shadow cast by the real thing. Its ministry is exceedingly better than the old. Heb. 8:6 As a matter of fact, the old was dependent upon the establishment of the new. Without the new, none under the old covenant would ever find a place in the eternal economy of the Lord. The effectiveness of the old is directly related to the shedding of the blood of the Lamb of God. Without the shedding of blood, His blood, there is no forgiveness.

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