The Son of man, the Lord Jesus Christ and His affiliation with His bride is at one and the same time, a great mystery and a revelation which is most vital for His church to comprehend. Eph. 5:32 Their association is presented as being that of a marriage. His interest, His concern is His church. The people whom He purchased with His own blood. Acts 20:28 The church, the supernatural body of Christ in the earth. Called by Paul, the body of Christ, consisting of a multiplicity of persons, diverse one from another yet joined into a unit by the Spirit of the Lord. The usage of one of the names of the Son of man here is not without it’s significance. This vast body of believers are united into one body in Christ. Christ, bearing the connotation of the anointing, the Holy Spirit. Therefore, the body of Christ, His bride His church will function and communicate, in perfect accord, by the power of the Spirit. Rom. 12:4-5.

He is designated as being the head. The source of all life, guidance and performance of the body. It is well to note here, that we are all baptized into the one body of Christ, by the same Spirit. That speaks to a complete and absolute union. All, made one in Christ. Not only joined to Christ but also being made members one of another, creating absolute harmony in the body of Christ. What a glorious prospective awaits the church when the Lord fully accomplishes His ultimate intent and purpose in her..
1 Cor. 12:13 The total man is included in the unity of the head with the body. Not only will His church be His body but His flesh and His bones. That well covers the total man. All compacted together in perfect agreement. Eph. 5:30.

The measure of love of the man for the woman is to be equal with the love and care that an individual heaps upon themselves. For the two are considered to be one flesh. Unequivocally, the Apostle proclaimed them to enter into a status of marriage and become one flesh. Eph. 5:31-32 He plainly stated that all of that which he had previously mentioned was to be the experience of Christ and His church. While, in his discourse, he mingled the necessities of a successful marriage, he was also making a prophetic statement pertaining to the church and Christ in the end of the age. His enlightenment is so plain and obvious that many cannot or will not see the opened revelation to be found in his words. This is one of those situations where it is well for those who have an ear to hear, listen carefully snd prayerfully to what the Word is saying unto us. There is a work superseding all the works of the Lord which He will accomplish soon in His people.

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