A shocking statement made by Paul in his letter to the Corinthians. Do you not know that you are the temple of God. 1 Cor. 3:26 Is it possible that an individual could be saved and still not know who and what they are in the Lord Jesus. Moreover, they were obviously Spirit filled. There would be no need of such a statement being made, if these to whom he wrote were not living in spiritual ignorance, or completely disregarding their call, their rights and privileges in the Lord Jesus. His message was applicable not only to them but more so today. Where the Spirit of the Lord dwells is His house. When we are filled with the Spirit, we become His house, the dwelling place of the Lord.

With the reception of the honor of having become His vessel, there is likewise a terrific responsibility. We are now called upon to maintain, to care for that dwelling place of the Most High. It must always be presentable and acceptable before the Lord. It must be kept worthy of His presence. That means continuing a life in the Spirit which is pleasing to the Lord. He has challenged us to be holy, for He is holiness personified. His powerful presence will produce holiness. 1 Peter 1:16 We can reach the goal which He has set before us. He will not demand more of His people than that which they can accomplish.

Because of His Holy presence the Temple is made to be holy. If in truth, the individual has really received the mighty presence of the Lord they will be held accountable for the manner in which that Temple is used. It must not be defiled. Those who disregard the Holy Presence of the Lord and pollute the temple in a moral or spiritual conduct will find that they themselves are cut off. 1 Cor. 3:17

The Apostle in his letter to the Romans, called upon them to present their bodies to the obedience of the will of the Lord as living sacrifices, which emulate the holiness of the Lord. The appeal is not beyond the scope of possibility. If it were, it would not have been presented to them. Rom. 12:1 This he termd to be a spiritual act of worship. It is proof of the fact that one really loves the Lord and is totally willing to serve Him with their whole heart. It is termed true worship and is conducted in spirit and in truth.
John 4:23 The benefits and the gains received with such a consecration so far out weigh any (if any) loss that loss is not a consideration. There is nothing in this world which can even begin to compare with the revelation of His glory in His people.

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