The prophetic utterance of Zechariah pertaining to the Messiah indicated a dual ministry. At one and the same time the Messiah was to be the priest of the Lord. Ministering in the redemptive act of salvation for all who will call upon His name. Also He was to be a King, high and exalted and ruling from His throne. His throne was a throne of glory were Divine leadership and full and complete salvation was to be found. Zech. 6:13 The Temple of the Lord will be the work of His hands. From the start, the planning stage to its dedication, He is the great builder of the church, of the eternal Temple, the bride of Christ, the new Jerusalem. The place of highest honor is given to Him that in all things He might have the preeminence, the high and exalted place. Col. 1:18 The complete glory of the Fathers house will be manifest in Him.

The counsel, the source of peace available and possible because of His dual position as Priest and King. He is given the title by Isaiah of the Prince of Peace. Isaiah 9:6 The Prince in this case indicative of one who rules. Point of interest, Prince of Peace is the fifth title given Him by Isaiah. Five is the number of atonement. In company with the dual office He is also the atoning sacrifice. He is the only source of real peace. As the great high priest He carried the blood of His sacrifice before the throne of the Father where it is ever on display. Rev. 5:6 Having paid the full price to purchase peace through the blood of the cross, He now reigns and bestows peace from His throne upon all who come to Him. John 14:27 We find His status as the High Priest reordered in the book of Hebrews. Heb. 3:1 It is He who stand before the Father in Priestly action on behalf of those who seek Him. Heb. 4:14 Plainly, unequivocally he is stated as having the honor of being the Priest after the order of Melchisedec. There is none other in that order. He is the sole occupant of the high office. Heb. 6:20 There is only one person in the universe or all of time who can stand before the Father as the true mediator. 1 Tim. 2:5.

“The offspring and the posterity.” Isaiah 22:24 NKJV. A portion of the glory of the Father’s house is this very interesting statement and hint of things to come. Another of the titles given the Lord Jesus in Isaiah 9:6 is that of the everlasting Father. This in no way indicated that Jesus was to be His own Father. But it does speak to us of the Fatherhood of the Lord Jesus. The command to the first Adam and Eve was to be fruitful and multiply. Gen. 1:28 They were brought into existence to occupy the face of the earth.

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