The Son of man, the Lord Jesus, the lamb of God. John 1:29 The feast of Passover (to spring over or to spare, to be delivered from death) was one of three where all males in Israel were to be gathered in Jerusalem to celebrate the release of their forefathers from Egypt. It was declared to be the first month, the beginning of their Levitical year. It foreshadowed the beginning of a new life for those who would believe on the Lord Jesus. As Israel of old found a new life so we today in Christ find that the old life is no longer satisfactory and we enjoy a new start, entering into a life that is eternal and abundant through Him. 2 Cor. 5:17.

The tenth day of the month Abib (the new ear of barley) they were to separate from the flock a lamb and keep it hidden for four days. Ten, the number of the commandments representing the Law. In Christ, by the Spirit of life, we are set free from the Law. Rom. 8:2 Atonement is exclusively by the blood of the Lord Jesus. Rom. 5:9 The four days speak to us of the four thousand years from the first man Adam to the last Adam, the Lord Jesus. The lamb chosen was to be thoroughly inspected and must be without blemish of any kind. A beautiful type of the Son of Man, Jesus. Ex. 12:5 He is the Lamb who from the very beginning, in the will and purpose of the Lord, was destined to be the once for all sacrifice. Rev. 13:8.

Where there was a threefold sprinkling of the blood of the sacrificial lamb on the door posts and the lintel of the house the death angel passed by. The door signifies Jesus the door. John 10:9 The threefold sprinkling of blood, the involvement of the Godhead in the Atonement. Every household, Jewish or Egyptian where there was no sign of the blood the firstborn of man and animal died. There is no deliverance from the power and guilt of sin but by the blood of Christ. Heb. 9:22 The lamb was specifically to be roasted and eaten in that night of the Passover. It was cooked by fire and in no other manner. In the communion table we partake of the body and the blood of the Lamb, thus the Passover is celebrated in partaking of Christ Jesus. He is the Passover feast of the church which He has purchased with His own blood. 1 Cor. 5:7 The Passover of Egypt was a type and symbol of that which is now completed in the Lord Jesus. Every individual who has been washed in the blood of Christ has entered into Passover. We have passed from death to life, in the Lord Jesus. 1 John 3:14.

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