The next great event seen in the Word of the Lord is the implementation of a last day move of the Spirit of the Lord. A time of preparation for the wedding of the Lamb, to prepare and receive His prized possession, the church which He has purchased with His own blood. Acts 20:28 Joel spoke of it as a time of the pouring out of the Spirit upon all flesh, all the nations of the world. A simultaneous move of the Spirit. A spontaneous act of the Lord, free from any and all the manipulations of mankind. A pure stream flowing directly from the majestic throne of the Lord satisfying and filling the hearts cry of those who hunger and thirst after righteousness. Joel 2:28.

Both water and oil are symbols of the presence of the Spirit in the life of the believer. Therefore the Spirit is poured forth, or will gush out in great abundance as it descends directly from the throne of the Lord. Rev. 22:1 Israel of old, for the duration of their wandering in the wilderness, drank a spiritual drink from a spiritual Rock, which was Christ (the anointed). 1 Cor. 10:4 There is no problem in identifying the Rock if we just believe that which is written in the scriptures. The Rock is the very one who brought Israel and the church into existence. He is the source, the one who gave birth, the creator. Deut. 32:18 The smitten rock (the crucified Christ).

The source of the blessing of the baptism of the Spirit is the Lord Jesus. And in response to the prayer of the Lord Jesus. John 14:16-17 The waters in the wilderness flowed freely that is in great abundance, literally gushing forth. Of great interest is that the flow is called streams (plural, the double portion), as they issued from the rock. Ps. 78:20 The double portion is not merely twice as much but an identical amount and measure. In this case, identical to the anointing which rested upon the Lord Jesus. He received the Spirit without measure. John 3:34 These are streams which will be at floodtide and overflowing their banks. It will be a time of cleansing and purification. All that is superfluous will be carried by the floods and swept away from His people. The refuge of lies, all falsehood, will be removed by the floods which result from the melting of the hail. The flooding waters will destroy the hiding place of all that is contrary to good doctrine. Any and all revivals result in a work of sanctification among the believers and the bringing of great numbers to the Lord Jesus. The cleansing of the sanctuary is always a sure sign of the moving of the Spirit. Isa. 28:17 Judgment must first begin in the house of the Lord. When the saints see the need of repentance and the subsequent cleansing there is revival. 1 Pet. 4:17.

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