HIS GLORY AND MAJESTY. A subject that cannot be exhausted. There is nothing that is found on this nor that is common among men that can compare to the GLORY and MAJESTY bestowed upon the Lord Jesus Christ. Ps.45:4 When there is so much emphasis place on angels today, why should we go to those who are under command and minister, when we have access to the HEIR? We are privileged to approach directly the one who has a more excellent NAME. He is acknowledged as the SON. The angels are commanded to worship HIM. Rather, let us go to the one who is WORSHIPPED not to those who worship. Heb. 1:4-6

HEAR YE HIM! This is a direct command from the Father, <This is my SON, hear Him>. Mt. 17:5 His voice is heard through the WORD OF GOD, for Jesus is the Word made flesh. Jn, 1:14 For those living in the last days, God is speaking to us through His SON. He is our exalted king. Heb.1:3 He is the builder of the temple, the Bride of Christ, a process that is soon to be completed. The shepherd — king, will do the full pleasure of His Father and build the New Jerusalem. Isa. 44:2 His position in the economy of the Lord is unique, for He is both King and Priest. Amazingly, He is also the sacrificed Lamb. Christ is indeed, all and in all. When Christ is king of our life, there is perfect harmony, because of His dual office. Zech. 6:13 His kingly robes are the very majesty, the comeliness or the splendor of the Lord. 

THE SON OF GLORY AND MAJESTY. The one who is the full effulgence, the brightness or brilliancy of the glory of His Father. To comprehend and behold the glory of the Lord it is necessary to behold the Lord Jesus, for the glory of the Lord shines forth from His radiant face. 2 Cor. 4:6 The one who is the express image, the exact likeness, the perfect vessel through whom the Father chose to show forth His eternal grandeur. The promise of the Word is that the glory of the Lord will be revealed or made manifest. How wonderfully and marvelously that is revealed in the Lord Jesus. Isa. 40:5 The express image, the exact likeness, the precise representation. Image {Gr. Charakter}. Being in particular, an essential component of the Godhead, Jesus is everything that the Father is, without being the Father. He is the eminence, the conspicuousness, the revelation of the invisible God. As the revelation of God, Jesus has the same identical character as His Father. The attributes of the Father are seen in Christ. The being, the essence, the substance of all that is included in the Father, is revealed through the Lord Jesus. He is the perfect replica and bears the exact likeness of His Father. Being the exact image of His Father does not detract from His status but amplifies just exactly who He is. Col. 1:15

IN HIS MAJESTY HE SUSTAINS ALL THINGS. He is the constancy, the commander of the universe. He maintains all things, natural and spiritual, material and immaterial, temporal and eternal. His is the complete and absolute rule. He is the creator of all things, whether they are heavenly or earthly, seen or unseen. All political authority is in accordance to His will. The powers that exist have been ordained by God. Rom. 13:1 All creation is the work of His hands and is for His eternal and everlasting purpose. Col. 1:16 He is supreme over all. His command is absolute embracing every existing entity, time and eternity as well. All were created <by Him> and <for Him>. For His good pleasure. Rev. 4:11 All things originated from Him, all things exist and live because of Him, all things were brought into being for Him. Rom. 11:36 He was before creation, {naturally or He could not have been the creator}. He is Jehovah < the self-existing one, needing no support from any thing or any person>. The whole of creation needs the support of some other element of creation in order to maintain its presence or life. Jehovah is self dependent. Creation is completely dependent. The Lord is the source of the power and authority that enables all thing to consist and to remain within their sphere of existence. Col. 1:17 His is the arrangement of the universe and all that is in it. 

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