FOUND ABANDONED AND UNKEMPT. Tossed aside at the time of birth. The cord uncut. Still attached to the old life, the past. Too many are brought to birth and then abandoned. If we lead someone to Christ, are we not responsible to see that they are established in a spiritual family where they may be cared for? Too many are on a <head count>, seeking numbers without accepting responsibility. To fear the Lord and shun evil, is health and nourishment. Pr. 3:7-8 Discovered unwashed and unclean. Not cared for, completely neglected and unwanted. Whether one be a prodigal or a king on his throne, spiritually all fit into one category, wallowing in the filth and uncleanness of our sin. For all have sinned and come short. Rom. 3:23 Unsalted or not rubbed with salt for purification. Salt was offered with the offerings. Num. 18:19 It was also called a covenant of salt. The covenant of salt was used in giving the kingdom to David and his sons. Because of its value and ability to preserve it is used as a security of the covenant. Salt will enhance food and make it tasty. So our lives and speech should be seasoned with salt. Col. 4:6 Be salt or be cast out. Mt. 5:13 No choice given. It is either or. Utterly disregarded, unswaddeled, unwrapped. Not held nor cuddled. Unloved and unlovely. Not an uncommon circumstance in the world today. So many unwanted and abandoned babies are brought into this life. The world of sin is a harsh world. The way of the transgressor is the hard, it is the difficult way. Pr. 13:15 Surely, we can all find a picture of our lives before we came to he Lord. It was an empty unrewarding life. Life begins at Calvary. True life, everlasting life is found in Jesus Christ.

LIVE! The call and commandment of the Lord. Directed in the natural and first of all to Jerusalem. Finding its completion in the redemption of mankind with the climax being the New Jerusalem or the Bride of Christ. Eze. 16:6 For a view of those to whom such a message from the Lord would be addressed consider Titus 3:1-3. Then the call of the love of the Lord as His kindness and grace. Titus 3:5 What a sight. What a mess sinful man must appear to be in the sight of a pure and holy God. He loves us in spite of our vile and corrupt nature. All life emanates from the living God. Life is the gift of the Lord, natural and spiritual. All living creatures and plants owe their existence to Him. Acts 17:25 He is the very fountain head of life. Ps. 36:9 In the Son is found that life. The source, the sustenance and the future of all who would live. John 1:4 He has shared and will continue to share that eternal and abundant life with all who know Him. John 14:19 Real life, life for the now and eternity is found in the Lord Jesus Christ. 

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