WONDROUSLY AND BEAUTIFULLY CLOTHEDEze. 16:10 Clothed with garments of variegated colors, embroidered work. Covered with a coat of broidered work, as was the high priest. Ex. 28:5 The high calling in Christ is to be a nation of priests unto the Lord. Those who participate in the first resurrection are assured this blessed privilege. Rev. 20:6 The feet shod with badgers {sea cow, NIV} skins. The badgers skins were use as the outside protection for the Tabernacle, shielding it from the sun, rain and all weather. Ex. 26:14 The gospel of peace for foot protection. Eph. 6:15 Fine linen. The clothing of the high priest was made of fine linen. Colorfully embroidered with blue, {type of the Spirit}, purple, {type of royalty} and scarlet, {type of redeeming blood}. The very best of linen was used which had a bright sheen to it. The clothing of the Bride of Christ which symbolizes her purity and holiness. Rev. 19:8 Covered, to protect or overshadow, So the cloud of glory covered the Tabernacle and the glory of the Lord filled it. Silk, drawn out, separated from the cocoon. Illustrating, those who have come to maturity and are ready for solid food. Now searching for knowledge of the Most High and ready to comprehend the doctrines of the Word of God as taught and revealed by the Holy Spirit. Isa. 28:9

ADORNED WITH WEALTH. Great wealth accumulated by the nation. Gold and precious stones yielded in great abundance to the people of Israel as they left Egypt. The wealth of Egypt left with them. Ex. 12:35 Unfortunately so did the spirit of Egypt. The very wealth that they had <borrowed> became a stumbling block to them. They converted the golden earrings into a golden calf as an object of worship. Ex. 32:4 Wealth is not the panacea for world or personal problems, Christ is! There were five ornaments that the Lord bestowed on her. The number of atonement. Eze. 16:11-12 The HANDS, used to labor, worship and as a sign of purity and innocence. Ps. 1:24 THE NECK, or mouth or throat used in speech or worship. Ps. 149:6 It is also a source of strength and can be a symbol of stubbornness and obstinacy. Pr. 29:1 Also, looked upon as an object of beauty. Song 4:4 THE FOREHEAD, or nose. The forefront of the mind and thoughts. The High Priest was to wear the plate of gold with the inscription, HOLINESS TO THE LORD. Our thought life is to be pure before the Lord. He would have His people to have clean and pure minds. In the last days the servants of the Lord are to receive that seal of holiness in their foreheads. Rev. 7:3 The mark of the antichrist will be in the foreheads of the ungodly. Rev. 13:16 Satan can only imitate. THE EAR, The organ of hearing. Vital for communication and understanding. The hearing ear is able to accept discipline and commands. Job 34:3 The ability to hear and act on the Word of the Lord, will produce faith. Rom. 10:17 THE HEAD, the brain, the source of all the activity of the body. The anointing oil was poured upon the head. An anointed head and thought life will bring great victory. Ps. 23:5 THE CROWN, crowned as a princess, to be the wife of the king. Made to be a Queen among the nations. Elevated and given authority. Eze. 16:12 A diadem of beauty and glory. She was a person of exceeding beauty and prospered into a great and victorious kingdom. Eze. 16:13 

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