CHRIST ANOINTED TO FILL THE OFFICE OF THE GREATEST, THE ONLY, ETERNAL HIGH PRIEST. The ministry of Jesus as the only and true High Priest is that which excels. His priesthood foreshadowed the <good things to come> of which we are already participants. While it is true, that the heavenly future will far exceed our anticipation. <1 Cor. 2:9> The conception of some concerning that which is to be is mere fantasy. They make the future eternal life to be comparable to this life and this world. It will be exceedingly altered, it is a new life in a new heavens and earth with a new Jerusalem as its focal point. The revelation of the Lord pertaining to the future is often ignored. We are assured of the revelation of the coming kingdom by the Word of the Lord. 1 Cor. 2:10 This insight of the plan of the Lord is too often ignored. We can know an exciting measure of what the our eternal home with the Lord will be. Its wonders and marvels will never cease. Christ has entered into the perfect and greatest, the only true tabernacle, created by the Lord Himself. This is that tabernacle which is everlasting and will never change, eternal in the heavens. 

AS THE HIGH PRIEST HE MUST INTERCEED FOR US. In the system of redemption that has been planned by the Lord, the intercessor is a vital necessity. There was a time when the Lord could find no intercessor. He was < appalled that here was no one to intervene > NIV. Therefore He provided His own intercessor. Isa. 59:16 The true high priest occupied, not only a position but became the only sacrifice. He poured out His life, His soul, His blood as the Lamb of God. The only acceptable sacrifice that can redeem the souls of men. Thus, He became <the man in the middle>, the one and only high priest ministering before the throne of the living Lord. Amazingly, He prays for the sinner. Isa. 53:12 

HIS MINISTERY IS ALL COMPREHENSIVE. He will intervene for the sinner. The one who comes to Him with a broken repentant heart will gain representation before the seat of the Judge of the whole universe. His case is a winner, for the Lamb is His barrister. The case is settled. Absolute, eternal forgiveness is consummated. Heb. 7:25 His glorious priesthood reaches out even to those who were responsible for His death. Astonishingly, contrary to human nature, He prayed for their forgiveness as they were crucifying Him. How far should we go in gaining forgiveness? The hand of pardon and forgiveness is still available. He stands ready to pray for every Israelite who will come to Him. Rom. 11:2 His outreach is to the whosoever will. To all who will turn to Him. Rom. 8:34 Every spirit filled person is a potential to become an intercessor before the Lord. Intercessory prayer is almost unheard of in today’s church. It is a powerful prayer and will produce great results. It is totally misunderstood by most leaders and is often dampened and discouraged. Nevertheless it is a vital part of the plan of the Lord. We shall see a return, to the church, of the prayer of travail in these last days. Rom. 8:26-27

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