ANOINTED WITH A MEASURE ABOVE ALL. Ps. 45:7 The Holy anointing oil, the Holy Spirit rested upon and in Christ without measure. The Holy Spirit dwelt within Christ in true fullness there was no limit applied to His anointing. Jn. 3:34 This is a measure which we have not yet achieved.The Bride of Christ will know this same deep and wonderful anointing. His body, the Bride will be filled with the <fullness> of Christ Jesus. Eph. 1:23 She will be thoroughly, one hundred percent, in love with Christ. A love that is equal to the love that is God, for God is LOVE. A love that is beyond human comprehension. Consequently, she will be filled to the complete measure of the fullness of all that the Lord is. Eph. 3:19 The <high calling> of God in Christ is astonishing. It is limitless.Until we have attained that marvelous status designed by the Lord, we will not reach our full potential. It is called, <the measure of the stature> of the fullness of Christ. The Bride will be exactly like Him for she will be one with Him, having obtained His fullness. She will come to that absolute maturity that is in Christ Jesus. A finished product. The evidence of the power of God to completely transform lives. Eph. 4:13 If this seems unlikely to you, please do not disturb me. I love my dream. 

THE PLEASING OF HEART OF THE FATHER. This is my beloved Son in whom I am WELL PLEASED. The joy and delight of the heart of the Father. The perfect Son. The Son of complete and absolute obedience. The one who unequivocally accomplished the Divine plans of the Godhead. Mt. 12:18 The good pleasure of the Father is also made know by the act of having the complete fullness of God dwell in Him and in His church. Col. 1:9 It must be remembered that <God is a spirit, or is spirit> and must be worshipped in the Spirit and truth. Jn. 4:24 Spirit is not physical. When it pertains to God, God has but one PHYSICAL body. The glorious, resurrected body of the Lord Jesus Christ. The Father is an entity as is the Holy Spirit but they are not PHYSICAL nor HUMAN. The Spiritual being of the Godhead is more real than the material, natural man which He created. That which is Spirit is eternal, from everlasting to everlasting. That God has a form is undeniable, for He created man in His own Image and likeness. The natural is then in the likeness of the spiritual, but there is a vast difference between natural and spiritual. The natural is earthly, carnal and limited in its abilities. The Spiritual is holy, righteous, eternal and unlimited in the scope of its power and capabilities. For instance, the resurrected body of the Lord Jesus entered the room without opening the door. Jn. 20:26 The resurrected body is no longer a material body. It is a Spiritual body, very real, very tangible but of entirely different composition. The completeness of Deity dwelt in Christ, by the Spirit. The church has been created that she might reach completeness or fullness and be filled with all the fullness of God, as was Christ. His will is that His people, His church be filled with all the fullness of God. Eph. 3:19 So inexhaustible is the Lord that He can fill all the members of His body, the church, with the fullness of Himself without forfeiting any of His fullness. He shares but remains ever the same. He cannot be diminished.

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