He was removed from incarceration.  Isa.53:8 In order to be brought to the worst injustice of all of the history of mankind. There has never been a kangaroo court such as this. An extreme breach of justice. Yet, had it not happened, there would be no Savior nor salvation. In this unjust tribunal they actively sought false witnesses and even though there were false witnesses present, they could not find them.  Mat.26:59-60 In the end two false witnesses were procured. Interesting that there were two, which was the number required by the law. During the tribulation period God will send two true witness to testify that Jesus is the Messiah. Was ever a judge more intimidated than Pilate? When Jesus was brought to court they cried out crucify him, crucify him. No judicial action had taken place as yet. The high priests were in a rage proclaiming that Jesus had blasphemed and was worthy of death. Mt. 26:65-66. He was grossly beaten and mistreated by these angry men who were out of control. The irony of the whole miscarriage of justice is that the judge, Pilate said; I find no fault in Him. In deed He was the innocent, pure, holy Lamb of God.

Who shall declare His generation? This is a question that needs addressing. His generation, His posterity? Does He or will He have descendants? The continuation of future generations was an extremely important item in Israel. That is why we have the genealogies found in the book of Numbers. Paul spoke of a great mystery, of Christ and His church, or Bride. Must it remain a mystery and never be solved nor understood? Eph.5:32 The preparation of that Bride is found in Eph.5:26-27 She shall be sanctified and cleansed by the Word of God. If we are not hearing and studying the WORD today how will the church ever be prepared? They will be a Bride filled with the glory of the Lord. The glory of the Lord is that shekinah glory that was revealed over the mercy seat as the brilliantly shining presence of the Almighty. It is a glory that at various times was manifest by the Lord in both Testaments. It is the glory that came on the Lord Jesus on the Mount of Transfiguration. A change took place in the body of Jesus until they were looking on the Spiritual and not the natural. Matthew described the change as His face shining as the Sun. What does the glory of God look like? His clothing became like the light. He is the light of the world.  Mt.17:2 Mark speaks of His clothing as becoming exceedingly white, like no bleach could ever accomplish. As white as snow. If we will reason with the Lord our sins can be as snow.  Isa.1:18 Every perfect snow flake is six pointed. So is the star of David, the star of the Lord Jesus. The next time you see snow, remember Jesus. The Greek word, shining, used here is said by Strong to mean, to gleam or to flash intensely.

Who shall proclaim His generation? Isa.53:8 The woman of Revelation twelve is very obviously a wife, a married woman if you please. The Prophet Isaiah declared the Creator to be her husband.  Isa.54:5 Paul said that he had espoused the church to Christ, to one husband. 2 Cor.11:2 Likewise he made it plain that when he was speaking to the Ephesian church concerning the great mystery of Christ and the church. 5:32 He was speaking of a man and his wife becoming one. 5:31 Even as Christ and His bride will become one.

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