The beauty of the olive tree is seen in itís fruit and the resulting oil gained by the pressing of the olives. The fruit was harvested by beating on the olive trees. Deut. 24:20 The blessing of the Lord was upon them as long as they followed the instructions of the Lord. The gleanings were to be left for the stranger or the foreigner among them, for the orphans and for the widows. In this fashion all were able to partake of the bounty of the olive tree. Explicit obedience to the Word of the Lord can only have one result and that is the very best blessing of the Lord, a good and full crop. The oil was obtained by treading on the berries or crushing them by a millstone in an olive vat. Thus, we see a type of the Lord Jesus and His care and concern for the needy. Plus His willingness to surrender to the will of the Father.

What more vivid circumstances may be found in the scriptures than that of the Lord Jesus, on the mount of Olives, (Lk. 22:39) and in the garden of Gethsemane (oil-press), alone and praying. If ever there was a pressing, a burden in prayed Jesus was bearing that burden. The Divine purposes of the redemption of mankind was about to be accomplished. Jesus would under go a crushing such as none other has ever or will ever experience.
The travail of His soul, His humanity, was to experience a prayer burden, a breaking, a smashing in birthing mankind into the family of the Lord. As He faced this most difficult time of His life, His humanity is seen, and itís agony expressed. He was sore amazed, greatly distressed, as this weight (He became very heavy) of what He was about to experience came upon Him. Mark 14:33 And we think that we have been discouraged, down hearted, despondent, blue, etc. Just change places with Him. Perfect, total, absolute righteousness was about to become the fullness of sin, the innocent, judged and punished for the guilty. No person has ever suffered like the Lord Jesus.

From the commitment He made in the garden, among the olive trees, has come the salvation and redemption which we so abundantly enjoy today. Also, the anointing of the Spirit which came upon the church on the day of Pentecost. That Holy anointing oil was placed on the priesthood. Ex.28:41.
Kings were anointed into their office. 1 Sam. 15:1 Likewise prophets. 1 Kings 19:16 The anointing of the Holy Anointing Oil was for the purpose of dedicating the individual to the service of the Lord. These callings have not ceased. He anoints His people for a definite purpose and the work of the ministry. Leadership must be, not only have been, but must be under a fresh and constant anointing. Anointed prophets are to be found as one of the ministry gifts to the church. 1 Cor. 12:29 There is no sweeter fragrance than the presence of the oil of the Lord, the Holy Spirit manifesting Himself among the saints when they are gathered together, in the name of the Lord.

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