There is but one who has a world wide following and the ability to unite in one a people gathered form all tongues, tribes and nations. He is even now, the head of the church universal. The God of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of glory has positioned the Lord Jesus in this place of eternal leadership. Eph. 1:17 Only those who recognize His divine leadership will have a place in the true church, in the end of the age. Eph. 1:22 He is, all in all, to the whole of the body of Christ, His Bride.

Hosea proclaimed a gathering together of Judah and Israel. The spiritual unity of both nations, plus the heathen. Hosea 1:11 The call to salvation is no longer to one nation or people. Now all are invited to partake of the salvation which He has purchased for us. 1 Tim. 2:1 The anticipation and working of the Lord in relationship to those whom He calls His people is declared in 1 Peter 2:10 Where they were at one time not related nor unified, nor were they from one segment of the human race, now, in Christ Jesus they are made to be one. Those who may be termed His people are those who have obtained the great and wonderful mercy of the Lord, in salvation through His shed blood. Their characteristics are spoken of in 1 Peter 2:9 These are the divine requirements for all who will be in that group called the people of God.

Ezekiel likewise prophesied of an everlasting covenant of peace involving all twelve tribes, and their joining together under one head. Eze. 37:24 David was to be king over them. David is a type of the Lord Jesus who was called the son of David by the multitudes welcoming Him into the City of Jerusalem. Mt. 21:9 Therefore, when Ezekiel stated that the kingdom would by ruled over by David, his reference was to Jesus. The earthly, the natural tabernacle and temple with all of their ceremonies were but a shadow of things heavenly. When we read these prophecies we must be aware of this and recognize that we are seeing shadows not the object creating the shadow. We must then recognize the spiritual counterpart and its fulfillment in the church of the last days revival. Heb. 8:5 Will there be a restored temple and worship as it was conducted under the Law? If it should happen it would be an insult and an act of blasphemy toward the Lord. The emotions of the Lord and His complete rejection in relation to animal sacrifice after the offering of His son, the Lord Jesus is to be found in Isa. 66:3 Only the blood of the Lord Jesus Christ is acceptable as an offering and for forgiveness from the sins of mankind. The shadow, the Law, the Old Covenant demanding the sacrifice of animals was totally unable to take away the sins of men. When we have found the true sacrifice and worship, why should we re-establish that which failed? Heb. 10:4 The kingdom of God is not in meat and drink; but is in righteousness and peace and joy in the Holy Spirit. Rom. 14:17 It is a spiritual kingdom.

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