Seeking David their king. Obviously not David who slew the giant, but the son of David, the Lord Jesus Christ. We are introduced to His name as the son of David in His genealogy recorded in Mathew the first chapter. This was not a name applied solely to Him, but then, neither was the name Jesus. When Jesus was called the son of David it had great implications. He was the son of promise. Seeing His miracles and experiencing them, the people began to call Him the son of David, with the thought in mind that He was the Messiah. Mt. 12:23 Adding to that they called Him, Lord, the son of David. Mt. 12:23, 15:22, 20:30 Thus acknowledging Him as the one whom they had anticipated. The Son of God, their Lord and Savior. In their royal welcome to the city of Jerusalem they proclaimed Him to be the son of David who had come in the name of the Lord. Mt. 21:9, 21:15.

Jeremiah prophesied of a people whom the Lord would raise up and they would have David to be their king. Not a resurrected king David of Israel but the son of David, the Lord Jesus. Under His guidance the people would serve the Lord. Jer. 30:9 The throne of David was to have a consistent occupant, one who was to be perpetually established as the eternal king. The unbreakable, irrevocable covenant was to be established with Him. His seed would be as innumerable as the sand on the sea shore and stars of heavens. This promise had first been made to Abraham, then to Isaac and was reiterated to Jacob. However, here the promise is to the seed of the Son of David. Jer. 33:17-22.

Most unfortunately, the anticipation of the people was that the Messiah was coming to reestablish the kingdom of Israel on earth. Not a good deal unlike some believe today. Jesus very plainly stated that His kingdom (then and now), is not of this world. John 18:36 Jesus avoided the multitude when they came to make Him to be their King. John 6:15 Most men would have jumped at the opportunity to follow the will of the people and to be made their king. Jesus declared that the kingdom of God is within you, in other words it is a spiritual kingdom. Luke 17:21.

Jeremiah thirty-three is a chapter of promise and restoration. All of which is founded upon the Son of David the Lord Jesus. It foreshadows a last day revival which will culminate in the church of perfection, the Bride of Christ. There was to come a Branch, a branch of righteousness. Jer. 33:15 Not only is the branch righteous, but He is the very essence of righteousness. All those who are joined to Him will be of the same spirit and nature, altogether righteous. He is also called the Sun of righteousness. Mal. 4:2 The shining forth of the light of righteousness. A light leading His people into His righteousness and holy character. The true people of the Lord are destined to bear His image and likeness. Rom. 8:29.

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