A metaphorical warning for the impending problems which would come upon them unexpectedly. Even though they had been well notified of the looming actions of the Lord against them, their unbelief kept them from being greatly disturbed. Hos. 13:13 Suddenly, like travail coming upon a woman, they would find themselves in deep trouble.

It is not unusual for these prophecies to have more than one fulfillment. We find here a Word that has definite end time implications. Connect Hosea’s words with Paul’s and we have a definite situation which speaks of the future tribulation period.
1 Thess. 5:3 When they say peace and safety, then, suddenly the most wonderful and yet the most destructive of all the happenings of the ages will take place. The Lord Jesus will return. A blessed day for those in Christ, but the most horrible day in all the history of mankind for the unsaved. His return is with flaming fire, a blaze of glory that exceeds the blazing of a sun. A flame, a flashing forth of great fire and flames such as men will have never seen before. 2 Thess. 1:8 Resulting in an extreme agony which will exceed the travail of a woman giving birth. This anguish is one born of the most intense and severe fear. Their faces will be as flames as the fire of the Lord comes upon them. It is the day of the manifestation of the wrath of the Lord and all sinners will be destroyed out of the land. Isa. 13:8-9.

This is THE DAY, the day of all days for the children of the Lord. It is resurrection day, for the Lord promises that this day will be the day of deliverance, ransomed from the power of the grave. He will redeem or deliver His own from the power of death. The final blow to death has not yet been given. Christ has demonstrated a victory over death but it still reigns on earth. The promise of victory over death is repeated by Isaiah in Isaiah 25:8 Paul issued a challenge to death and the grave by demanding it to show it’s victory. It’s full, complete destruction is soon to be accomplished. 1 Cor. 15:55 Ultimately, death, hell and all the ungodly will be cast into the lake of fire and will reign no more. Rev. 20:14 For those who are in Christ, what else, but resurrection from the grave. A final release from the body of flesh and death and the receiving of that glorified, eternal body. Phil. 3:21 He will destroy death. It will have no more power over those who are the redeemed of the Lord. How interesting, there is no repentance in that day. Hos. 13:14 Today is the day of salvation and now is the accepted time. Isa. 49:8 The sting, the hurt, the pain of death is dulled when the deceased is in Christ. Death, and the grave is not the final act of the life of those who die in Christ. The individual who is absent from the body, is present, at home with the Lord Jesus Christ. 2 Cor. 5:8 Our hope is in the Lord Jesus and His promises which are yea and Amen, positive and most wonderful.

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