Another insight into the emotions of the Lord. In burning wrath He could have completely annihilated the subjects of His anger. The violation of His Word carried that kind of punishment, they were worthy of death. The sin of Israel was of such measure that they were subject to punishment to the full extent of the Law. However, as with the prayer of Habakkuk, (Hab. 3:2) the Lord in wrath would exhibit mercy. Because of whom He is and what He is, that is, God and not man, The Holy One dwelling in the midst of them, He would not fully destroy them. Hos. 11:9 He is in complete control of every emotions which express His being. In extreme, full, burning anger, He has perfect control and will not go to excess in punishing Israel. He will punish in mercy and not annihilate Israel. He promised that He would not enter their cities with destruction as in the case of Sodom and Gomorrah.
Mercy prevails in His heart. He is the God of all compassion, gracious and long suffering. Plenteous in mercy and truth. Ps. 86:15.

Optimistically, The Lord who knows the end from the beginning. Who speaks in truth and assurance, knowing well that His purposes will be accomplished foresaw a day of the return of the scattered people unto Himself. Isa. 46:10 They would hear the roar of His lion like voice and once again seek His face. The roar, the voice of the Lion of the tribe of Judah (Rev. 5:5) has been and is being heard throughout the earth. Hos. 11:10 He is proclaiming a message of repentance and reconciliation. It is He, who has loosed the seven seals and made it possible for the events promised in the book of Revelation to be enacted. The means, the volume, the ways in which His voice is sounding forth increases every day. The gospel is being preached. The nations are hearing. We are entering into harvest time and the vines will soon be harvested. Jer. 25:30

Jacob, when prophesying over his sons said of Judah that he was as a lion. Then spoke of the coming of Shiloh (peace, tranquility) , the man of peace, the Lord Jesus. It is He, the Lord Jesus Christ unto whom the people will be gathered. Gen. 49:9-10 The return of the children of whom Hosea is speaking is the salvation of those scattered abroad, Judah and the Gentiles. The Lord Jesus came into the world to seek and save that which was lost. Luke. I9:10 Salvation is not of race but of grace. The gospel of the Lord Jesus is for the whosoever will. He was to be a covenant (the New Covenant) to the people of Israel and a true light to the Gentiles. Isa. 42:6 He is the God of the Jew (Judah), Israel (ten tribes) and of the Gentiles. Rom. 9:24 He is Lord to all who will come to Him without favoring any one nation or race of people. Those who commit to Him will find an eternal home. John 14:2-3 Ephraim, Israel were involved in falsehood. Judah had not yet reached the magnitude of the sin of Israel but were not far behind. Hos. 11:11-12

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