The Lord had a day and a time scheduled where the nation of Israel, the ten tribes, would no longer exist as a nation. Their bow, their ability to defend themselves, to make war was in the hands of the Lord. The Lord’s promise of destruction and desolation is just as positive as His promises to care for and bless a people. He assured them that they would come to the valley of dispersion, where and at which time they would be scattered abroad. Hos. 1:5.

The second child is born, this time a girl. The Lord determined her name to be Lo-ruhama, a name declaring the emotions of the Lord toward Israel. He proclaimed that He would no longer have pity upon them. His love, His compassion for them had reached its end. His watchful care for them would be completely taken away. Hos. 1:6 Was it fair? Jeroboam literally forced Israel away from the Lord. It is a great question as to how willing they were to follow. He committed great sin and caused Israel to walk in the same pattern. Therefore, the Lord removed Israel out of His sight by allowing the king of Assyria to come and take them captive.
2 Ki. 17:21-23 The Lord was more than kind and patient with them. They were warned by the prophets as well as being able to see the drama of Hosea’s life played out before them.

Even though Judah, the two tribes dwelling in Jerusalem, were not far behind them in displeasing the Lord, He chose to have mercy upon them. He saw in Judah the hope of a people who would follow Him and desert their idol worship. Their deliverance would not be by the armaments of an army, such as a bow, a sword, a battle or by horses nor yet by their riders. The Lord was not about to let others become the deliverers of Judah. It was a matter which He wanted to settle, that they might thank and worship Him for His mighty works. The third child born to this marriage, is a son. His name is to be Lo-ammi, which means, not my people, not my nation. How left out one should feel when so totally rejected by their God. Their sins had separated them from their God. Isaiah said, But your iniquities have separated between you and your God, and your sins have hid His face from you, that He will not hear. Isa. 59:2 How distressful to be cast aside, pushed out of the land promised them and to have to go into captivity. It is on the other hand, a tremendous warning for those of this day. All these things were written as examples unto us. Oh, that we might read them and comprehend that we may apply the principles of the Lord to our lives, even today. Those who love the world will find that they are not the children of the most High. 1 John 2:15 This Lo-ammi group are those who have had great opportunities to fully serve the Lord and have failed to do so.

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