The dishonest merchant. The margin of the NKJV interprets merchant to be Canaanite, who were noted for their dishonesty. Thus Israel had become deceitful in their business dealings. Hos. 12:6 They had become rich by their crooked dealings and were now bragging about their ill obtained gains. The precepts of the Lord had been violated by their unjust marketing. Lev. 19:36 Having forsaken their God and way of truth it is to be expected that they would become untrustworthy in all their business dealings. They loved their fraudulent practices and the riches resulting from such practices. Hos. 12:7.

The self-righteousness of Ephraim was disturbing to the Lord. Particularly so, when they would declare that there was no sin or iniquity to be found in all of their obtaining of wealth. Hos. 12:8 Their attitude in their merchandising is portrayed in the actions seen in Prov. 20:14. When haggling over the price, the item is declared to be worthless, but when the process is finished the purchaser boasts about the bargain he just made. Prov. 20:14.

Wealth is a blessing from the Lord, when it is not the primary objective of a persons goal in life. Consider Solomon. He asked the Lord for wisdom and knowledge in governing the people of the Lord, and it was granted Him. Because he had not sought nor asked for riches, financial success was also granted him. 2 Chron. 1:11-12 Paul warned Timothy, his son in the gospel and a minister of the Lord Jesus, of the dangers of deliberately seeking to be rich. Such would be faced with multiplied temptations and could easily become ensnared with a spirit of lust after the things of this world. When the desire of money is the motivation, and the love of the same possesses the soul, that person is flirting with the root of all evil. The attitude toward, the drive to obtain riches can be extremely harmful and destructive to the spirituality of the individual. 1 Tim. 6:9-10.

The teachings of the Lord Jesus will produce a well balanced life. He made it plain that the Gentiles, the heathen, sought strongly after the things of this life. It was their drive and urgent purpose in life. In contrast, the heavenly Father knows the needs and necessities of His people and will supply them. He urged His followers to seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, then the necessities of this life would be added unto them. Mt. 6:31-33 Those who would leave all, to follow Him, would find great benefit in this life plus eternal life. The return on those things sacrificed for His sake and the progression of His kingdom was to be one hundred fold. Mark 10:29-30 He warned those church members trusting in their riches that for all their boasting, they were living in abject poverty. Rev. 3:17 In exchange, He had far better and eternal riches prepared for those who would receive that which is true and everlasting. Rev. 3:18.

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