He shall come as an eagle against the house of the LORD. How ironic when the eagle had been used as a type of the help of the Lord, through the manifestation of the Holy Spirit. Hos. 8:1 By their actions, their breaking of the covenant and disobeying of the Law, they had brought it upon them selves. The Lord had warned them of the consequences that would be brought about by their sin and waywardness. Deut. 28:15-45 As long as they followed the Lord He provided them with a tremendously good life. Every need would be met, there would be no insufficiencies among them.

In a positive vein, it was with eagles wings, that the Lord brought the children of Israel out of Egypt. Ex. 19:4 It was a time of release from captivity and slavery. The presence of the Lord among them was very real and visible, in the cloud and pillar of fire. Ex. 13:21 Their every need was met by the presence of the Lord. His purpose was to bring them unto Himself, giving them a homeland and blessing them as they worshipped Him. Thus, He bore full responsibility for their welfare. He deeply commiserated with them in all of their difficulties and times of correction which He had to enjoin upon them. He was so fully and emotionally involved with their lives that He too felt their afflictions. His association with them was very close, He carried them on His wings, He took full responsibility. Isa. 63:9.

The Lord considers those who will follow Him to be His people. They are His portion, His inheritance. Deut. 32:9 He found Jacob (His People) in a desert place, in the wilderness. So, He began to lead, to teach and to keep him as the apple of His eye. Here the eagle comes into view. The Lord likened Himself to an eagle tipping its nest in order to teach its eaglet to fly. It then swoops under it and carries it back on high. The process is repeated until the eaglet flaps its wings and is able to fly. The Lord alone led His people and there was no strange god among them. Deut. 32:12 The blessings of the Lord were beautifully given to them. Deut. 32:13-14 Until they provoked the Lord by turning to other gods. Deut. 32:15-43.

Eagles wings are promised to those who will spend time seeking the Lord. Renewed strength , spiritually and physically is the reward of those who will diligently seek His face. They shall mount up, be exalted, soar like an eagle. In running the race of spiritual life they will not be exhausted and become weary of well doing. They will not tire in walking in the paths of righteousness. Isa. 40:31 The majority of difficulties and problems are solved as we spend time before the Lord. The load, the burden carried by the ministry today is tremendous. This is a key to finding an answer to those situations which other wise are most difficult to overcome.

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