The earth to suffer for the wrong doings of the people, as a consequence of their rejection of the Lord. The land is presented as a living thing, which is in mourning . The promise of continued life from the land depended upon their willingness to follow and serve the Lord. The inhabitants of the earth seen as those who are sickly and lacking energy. The effect of their sin was to cause the diminishing of the animals, the birds and the fish of the sea. Hos. 4:3 How can we help but compare this with the warnings which scientist are constantly giving concerning our present world. They can only predict doomsday. They say that it is inevitable that the earth will experience tremendous changes in the time to come. The Bible tells us of the impending happenings, but it gives us a way of escape and deliverance from the consequences of the wickedness of mankind.

Isaiah presented the same situation but in more detail and much stronger terms. As a cause, he offered the same extreme sinful condition of the people. They have morally defiled the earth. They have defied the laws of the Lord, even ridiculing and making fun of them. They bypass and ignore the decrees of the Lord, that is His Word. They have violated and refused the covenant of the Lord. In the case of Israel, it was the Law. Today the covenant is found in Christ. Isa. 24:5 The promises of the Lord are beautifully fulfilled in the lives of those who seek Him. However, because of the great wickedness of humanity the curse has been loosed on the earth. Deut. 28. Sin will exact its consequences.

The earth to be emptied. Depleted of humanity and of all of their works on the face of the earth. It will be utterly void of inhabitants. It will be completely removed from its axis, the north pole becomes the south pole, the south the north, it will be turned upside down. Isa. 24:1 Jeremiah will further enlarge on the tremendous destruction that is inevitable. To him it was shown that the earth would return to the chaos before creation, without form and void. Gen. 1:2, Jer. 4:23 This is the result of the second coming of the Lord Jesus. The heavens, the ozone layer will be rolled up as a scroll allowing the oxygen, so necessary to life, to escape. Rev. 6:14The mountains will be completely leveled, the valleys become filled. Lk. 3:5 Peter also spoke of the complete destruction wrought by the coming of the Lord Jesus, when He comes as a thief. On the occasion of this event there must be total, absolute annihilation. Not a thing could escape the catastrophe of the earth, its inhabitants and all of their works on the earth. 2 Peter. 3:10 He is coming in vengeance, the earth and its inhabitants will experience a horrendous reprisal from having rejected the only way of salvation. He is coming in flaming fire. The effect on the earth will be far beyond that of any comet striking the earth.2 Thes. 1:8.

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