Deliverance from Egypt is a type of deliverance from the bondage of sin. The heart which had no song is made to sing with gladness and joy because of the liberty obtained when set free from sin and sinful habits. There is a second time of liberation determined by the Lord. It will be motivated by the revelation of the root of Jesse, the Lord Jesus. A sign, a banner for all the nations of the earth. They will seek after Him and gather together because of Him. That they are Spirit filled is self evident for they enter into His rest. Isa. 28:11-12 In that day, the day of spiritual awakening. The day of gathering unto Christ. The true people of God are a people of abounding faith in the redemptive work of Christ. Heb. 4:1-3 The Lord will institute a second exodus. Isa, 11:10-11. The fulfillment of such action is recorded in Rev. 12:6,14.

That day will be a day where those who are delivered from the great tribulation will call the Lord, Ishi or husband, my man. Consider how close the association is between the woman and this Husband, whom in her love for Him, she is privileged to call Him, my Man, my Husband. This is a true relationship and sharing together. Hos. 2:16 Now, in martial bliss, she will no longer call Him Baali, or Lord, Master. She is subject to Him but because of their deep love for each other they are to become one. The great mystery is this beautiful and complete relationship between Christ and His church. Eph. 5:30-33 The names of others, who may be objects of worship, whose name was used by the people, will no longer be heard. In using these names they had committed spiritual adultery, a practice which will completely cease.

A covenant made with the creatures of the wilderness. The New Covenant, promised and consummated in the Lord Jesus contained the promises of peace and tranquility. The wilderness will be a refuge of absolute rest, safety and peace, regardless of what happens in the rest of the world. Hos. 2:18 Betrothed, engaged to be married with the Lord, the Bridegroom making exceeding great and precious promises to His beloved. Hos. 2:19 There are five elements to His promise to her. The marriage is eternal. It is not for just a season, but it is everlasting. The Lord has been building all the time for eternity. Their marriage is the marriage of all marriages. Never has there been one like this nor will there ever be another. It is a marriage of true holiness. Both individuals are equally holy and just. Their marriage satisfies ever aspect of true holiness as demanded by the Word. The kindness, the favor, the God like love bestowed upon her is like none other has ever known. The mercy, the compassion which will be displayed toward her exceeds all other manifestations of love and kindness. It is a true marriage. A marriage of faithfulness and total commitment.

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