Deliverance by redemption. Redemption is possible only by the blood of the Lord Jesus Christ. Redemption is the assurance of right standing before the Lord. The person receiving the work of atonement, is straight way justified. While at the same time confessing their unworthiness, they are fully accepted into the family of the Lord by His infinite grace. Rom.3:24 Through the blood of redemption, the precious blood of Christ, our sins have been washed away and we are now partakers of the riches of heaven. The great bounty of His grace. Eph. 1:7 All, and only those redeemed by His shed blood can be accepted into the beloved. Eph. 1:6 The people, the family of the Lord is constituted only of the redeemed.

Redemption brings one into fellowship with the Lord. There is but one door, one way and that is always His way. Those who were at one time far from any association with the kingdom of God are now citizens of that glorious kingdom. All through the blood of redemption. Eph. 2:13 If there is another way, then the whole life, death, burial and resurrection of Christ was in vain. Jesus died for all of mankind. Past associations are no longer valid. He has opened up a new way, not of the works of the Law but of His all powerful blood and grace. The wall of separation He destroyed at Calvary. He has combined all the peoples of the earth into one great family. He brought the law of commandments to a halting conclusion by bearing the sins of the world in His own body on the tree. Mankind, He has combined into one. A great nation, of all peoples. Scattered all over the face of the earth, yet associated as one body in Christ. That which is accepted by the Lord is the new man, the new creation. Those born of the Spirit and the Word. Eph. 2:14-16.

She shall sing there. Her song is a song of joy, gladness and adoration unto the Lord. She has been delivered from the sorrow and darkness of the great tribulation. Consider Isaiah’s statement of the earth being in great trouble and darkness, fear and gloom prevailing with the inhabitants being controlled by the prince of darkness. Isa. 8:22 That is a thumb nail picture of the tribulation but by no means describes the total horror of that three and one half years. But, she shall sing. Her song is a song heard in the wilderness, at the same time that the world is in gross spiritual and physical darkness. Her song is a song of the light of the world. She is clothed with the glory of the Lord which is likened too and of greater light the sun. She has come to the mountain of the Lord, the apex of spirituality. She is the consummation of all the Lord Jesus desired in a Bride. Her song will be unto the mighty One, the Rock (NIV), of her salvation. Never has there been a song like unto her song. A song of appreciation, a song of the very epitome of true love, a song magnifying His great love and grace. Isa. 30:29.

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