There are some interesting facts about the moon which may be considered a help in determining it in being a symbol of the Lord Jesus. It always presents the same face or side to the earth. ì Jesus Christ the same yesterday, and today, and forever.î Heb. 13:8 His love, His compassion and care for humanity has never changed, not will it change, until the last soul is bought to a knowledge of Christ as savor. The moon is responsible for the tidal actions of the seas and oceans of the world. Its magnetic pull even has an effect on the surface of the earth. His name and the power of His Spirit is always calling and drawing unto Himself the peoples of the earth. John 12:22 The seas in the scripture are a type of the peoples of the earth. Isa. 17:2 The moon is noted for its rugged surface which was caused, it is proposed, by volcanic activity and having been struck by meteors. The scripture describes the visage of the Lord Jesus as having been marred more than any man. Isa. 52:14 It is hard to imagine the cruelty with which He was treated. His beard plucked. Human spittle covering His face. Bruised and beaten in body and face.

It is vital that we keep in mind the statement made by the scripture that the heavenly light bearing bodies were for signs, among other things. Because our study is on signs, we want to emphasize the message which needs to be conveyed to the whole world, warning them of the soon coming of the Lord Jesus. Jesus related to His questioning disciples that there would ìappear the sign of the Son if man in the heaven.î Mt. 24:30 This sign is then made known as a coming event which will warn the world of His impending coming and the consequential rapture and resurrection of the saints. The proper timing is of the essence. We are not left to speculate as to the correct time, which has been established, for this momentously important moment. Jesus emphasized the timing by saying that it was immediately after the tribulation. Mt. 24:29 At that time, the light of the sun and moon will be cut off, which means but one thing, darkness. The stars will streak out of their orbit in a free fall. The universe will be in total disarray. This is the moment of the shaking of the entire universe, for Jesus said; that the powers of the heavens would be shaken. The prince of the power of the air will be utterly defeated. Eph. 2:2.

According to the words of the Lord Jesus, this is also the time of the sounding of the trumpet. The angels are likewise command to gather together the redeemed of all ages, either by resurrection or translation. Mt. 24:31 Until the celestial signs which have been established by the Lord take place He will not come. True, many signs are being fulfilled, but there are still other signs which have not yet appeared.

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