While there are a multitude of negative signs being manifest now and these signs will increase in magnitude and volume prior to the coming of Christ, the very next sign is of vital importance. That is the coming together of the true body of Christ. A moving of the Spirit in the church world that will awaken Christians to the spiritual riches which are in Christ Jesus. He will draw together the many member body of Christ and amalgamate them into one world wide body which will function in perfect agreement. There are several breeds of birds which fly through the air as a flock and suddenly change direction with others taking the leadership, they switch direction simultaneously and never crash into each other. How can many become to coordinated in flight. Obviously the Lord created them with that ability. The question then is can there be such unity in the body of Christ.

Through Ezekiel the Lord delivered a prophecy which is surely applicable to our day. It begins with a strong rebuke of the Word of the Lord, directed at the shepherds of His flock. Eze. 34:9-10 The Lord then made it very plain that He would gather and feed His flock. Eze. 34:11-15 Anyway you look at it they are a motley flock, wounded, emaciated and sickly. Eze 34:16 There will be a time of exposure where the wrong doing of these shepherds will be judged. Eze 34:17-21 Now we come to the declaration of the work that the Lord said He would accomplish. First, He would save His flock and deliver them that they would no more be a prey. Eze 34:22 That language has its counter part in the deliverance of the church as seen in Rev. 12:6, 14 They are to have one shepherd, even His servant David (Christ), the prince or the leader among them. Eze. 34:23-24 Jesus is that horn or power of salvation of whom David was a type. Luke 1:69 The will enjoy the covenant of peace, the new covenant in the blood of Christ and will be abundantly blessed of the Lord by having and following that one shepherd, the Lord Jesus. Eze. 34:25-33.

One shepherd, one flock, united and blended together until their actions, there motives, their vision, their method of operation is coordinated and the fully function as one flock, one body, one mind, all teaching the same thing. Impossible, not at all if all would listen to the voice of the Spirit as He speaks to the church. 1 Cor. 1:10 Jesus, when He prayed, prayed for the unity of the believers to be united in one even as the Father was in the Son. Likewise, He also prayed for their perfection, that they might be fully furnished, finished and completed. John 17:23 The ultimate goal of the Lord to have a Bride who is like Him in every aspect. Eph. 5:25-27 This is the high calling of God, in Christ Jesus. Phil. 3:14.

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