If there is to be a sign in the scriptures that is of utmost importance, it has to be the startling wonder that John saw illustrate in the heavens. An extremely gorgeously arrayed woman, who could only be a queen clothed in such exquisite garments. She is standing upon a source of light which reflects the light of the sun in the darkness of night. Then to be crowned with a diadem of twelve bodies of light, twelve stars, each of them light bearing bodies which are sun like, giving forth light. Stars to us are small globes of light out in the universe whereas in all reality they are themselves suns. John saw this vision in the heavens but it will be enacted on earth. Rev. 12:1.

In order to grasp just who she is, let us consider her garb. She is certainly still wearing her wedding gown. We know that the sun is the creation of the Lord to nourish life on earth. Its position in the heavens is precisely where it must be in order to sustain the atmosphere and life of this earth. The Lord, created light. Gen. 1:3 Took of His own nature which is a never dying, eternal light, and made a light in which man could live. The fullness of His being as light is unapproachable by mankind in his natural character or life form. 1 Tim. 6:16 For the Lord Himself is a Sun, which does not mean that He is a heavenly body of burning gasses but that the light that He is, is far more brilliant than the combination of all the stars of heaven. He outshines them all. Scientist also tell us that the Sun is a burning, flaming fire of intense magnitude. The scripture also described the Lord of glory as a burning consuming fire. Heb. 12:29 The type of fire which consumes all dross but at the same time can be seen as not consuming, when it is as a revelation from the Lord. Ex. 3:2.

The Sun is majestic and rules the day. Light is life giving, both natural and spiritual. Fire is spectacular and creates excitement. According to John the Baptist, Jesus was to create a baptism of the Holy Spirit and fire. Lk. 3:16 Sure enough, on the day of Pentecost there were cloven tongues of fire which came upon them as they waited for the descent of the Spirit and they were all filled. Acts 2:3 the woman of Revelation twelve is the revelation of a church body, an organism, the Bride of Christ created and unified by the power of the Spirit. They are fully clothed with the new creation and have full knowledge of Him as well as being made into the image and likeness of the Christ of God. Col. 3:10 The new man, is a new creation which has so altered the life and life style of those who are in the Bride that they have put on righteousness and true holiness. Eph. 4:24 He will have a church of absolute holiness, a glorious church glowing with the fullness of the mighty power and the light of the glory of the Lord. Eph. 5:27.

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