What is about to be recorded here will be a shock to some, others will blatantly reject it, while others will see the truth and rejoice in it. The next and most important event for the church is not the second coming of Christ, but the wedding of the Lamb. I was sixteen when I was saved and now I am ninety-one, for all these years I have heard the teaching of the imminent return of Christ, but He has not come. Nor will He, until all the signs and proceedings preceding His return have taken place. He is the Bridegroom, the members of the church, which prepare themselves for the wedding, are to be the Bride. The depths of promise and total commitment may be understood by the words of the Apostle Paul which he wrote to the church at Corinth. ìI have espoused you to one husband, that I may present you as a chaste virgin to Christ.î 2 Cor. 11:2 Espoused, engaged, an act that in that day was binding. The object was not only to pledge them in full dedication but to see that their spiritual status was of the highest quality. One of perfect innocence and absolute purity. That requires the very epitome of excellence, purity and holiness. His bride will be without spot, wrinkle or blemish of any kind. Eph. 5:27 There is no standard that meets that requirement other than to take on the image and likeness of the Lord Jesus. Col. 3:10.

Now let us hear what the Lord had to say through the prophet Hosea. He is literally proposing to His people for He is seeking to be engaged to them in an eternal manner, whereby His righteousness, judgment, loving kindness and tender mercies are manifest to her. Their engagement is in all faithfulness and she shall know the Lord. Hos. 2:19-20 What a magnitude of love there is to be found in this betrothal. Our knowledge of the Lord is compared to looking through a darkened glass, but the promise is that we shall see Him face to face and will know Him intimately, in a manner which we do not yet know Him. 1 Cor. 13:12 The earth shall know that the corn, the wheat, the word of the Lord. The wine, the joy of the Lord. The oil, the anointing of the Lord is with her. They shall hear and know Jezreel, that (God soweth). There is a purpose for the marriage. These are not formed out of any one race but are those who believe on the Son of God, the Lord Jesus. He will fully acknowledge them as His people. Hos. 2:23 They are from a people who prior to this calling had not been the people of God at all but now through the mighty cleansing of the blood of Christ and the power of the Spirit in new birth and in the filling of the Spirit they are members of His body, bone of His bone and flesh of His flesh. Eph. 5:30 They are made to be one with Christ. They are to be married. They two shall become one flesh. Eph. 5:31.

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