There are earthquakes and then there of earthquakes definitely created by the Lord. The latter give evidence of His might presence and displeasure because of the actions of mankind. Isaiah spoke of the manifestation of His ability to shake the earth when He was angry. Isa. 18:7 The various actions of the Father at the death of His Son, the Lord Jesus gave positive proof that Jesus was indeed the Son of God. Matthew recorded the rending of the veil of the temple from the top to the bottom, thus throwing open the Most Holy Place And proclaiming the Lord Jesus to be the only way into the Holy of Holies. That veil was significant of His body being nailed to the tree. Heb. 10:19-21

There was violent action taking place at that moment in Jerusalem, not only in the crucifixion but in the response of the Lord to their wrongful deeds. The strength of the earthquake in demonstration of the wrath of the Lord was so great that the rocks were split open. Mat. 27:51 The Roman centurion and his troops were filled with fear and consternation at the works of the Lord and acknowledged, in the light of all that went on, ìTruly this was the Son of God.î Mt. 27:54.

At the time of His resurrection there was likewise a great earthquake. The angel of the Lord (The Lord Jesus) descended from heaven, rolled back the stone and sat on it. A masterful act of triumph but at the same time a taste of belittling, disdaining the powers of death. Mt. 28:2 Incidentally it is after this earthquake, the earthquake of resurrection, that other graves were opened and the people were seen in Jerusalem. They were a first fruits of the resurrection. Giving evidence that not only was Christ effected by the power of resurrection that day but it was so powerful that it caused them to come up out of their graves, after His resurrection. Mt. 27:52-53.

The Lord has always been faithful to first visit His people with the Word or the voice of a prophet. Showing His abundant mercy and calling for repentance. Because He is the God of mercy, in His love and mercy He will announce His plans to those who will hear. ìSurely the Lord GOD will do nothing, but He revealeth His secrets unto His servants the prophets.î Amos 3:7 He does and will visit in mercy with a move of the Spirit that will exceed anything that has ever taken place in this world. A spiritual awakening is next on the calendar of the Lord. Habakkuk was stirred by the Word of the Lord and cried out for a reviving, for the Lord in the midst of His wrath to remember mercy, and He will. Hab. 3:2.

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