The fourth seal introduced the pale horse, in the Greek the word is chloros or green, verdant (lush green) or dun-colored (a brownish grey). The rider of this horse is named Death while close behind him is another who is named Hell. This seal will intensify the judgments seen in the other seals. The means whereby humanity will die are spelled out as being, the sword, war and malicious slaughter of every kind and nature. We are living in a blood thirsty world. The insanity of self-destruction in order to destroy others and find a better place in some kind of a heaven certainly fits here. Killings can only intensify and will resist all attempts to create peace on the earth. Hunger and famine are not strangers to this modern world. For all the good works that are being done around the world hunger in many areas prevails and increases faster than the need can be met. Death, diseases, plagues will sweep the world as we approach closer and closer to the end. Added to that the beasts of the earth which can have a twofold meaning. Due to the destruction of forest land all over the world the safe range for the wild beasts of the forest has shrunk and more frequently we hear of them attacking people and domesticated animals. They also carry diseases which are passed on to pets causing them to die. Consider also that the forces of the devil are presented as beasts in the book of Revelation and they will be responsible for the death of millions. The number projected is a fourth part of the population of the earth. Rev. 6:8

These seals are opened in sequence to one another. The first and the seventh will have reached their conclusion at the beginning of the great tribulation period for they are seals which pertain to the church of the last days. Numbers two through six will continue to be in effect for the duration of the tribulation, all the time increasing in intensity. Some will last for a long time others will be brief. The moment of the opening of the judgment seals does not call for them to reach their climax immediately. These seals are open now and we are beginning to see the results which were prophesied concerning their enactment.

The fifth seal is the seal of martyrdom. Who is to deny that this seal is not in effect today. In recent years hundreds have been martyred for Christ. That is only the beginning. These are pre-tribulation martyrs who have held true to their testimony and the Word of the Lord. Remember, time intensifies the action given under the opening of these seals. Though they are Christians it is inherent in blood shed to cry out for vengeance, such as in the case of Able. Gen. 4:10.

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