The effectiveness of the testimony of the two witnesses is made apparent when the sea of glass mingled with fire is shown John. These people are standing on this beautiful glass and in the midst of the fire of the Lord. What a glorious spot to be in and what a joy to feel the power of the Spirit in the fire of the Lord. They triumphed over the beast, in order to do so they would have had to face his commandments which he will issue for the whole world to obey. They are identifiable by the song they sing. A song of Moses and the Lamb. In other words they are Israelis, or even proselytes.
They resist to the uttermost and overcome the order to worship his image. They did not take his mark nor the number of his name. Rev. 15:2-3 All these martyrs, including Elijah and Moses will be resurrected in the first resurrection. That too will establish the second coming as being at a time after these have died, as martyrs, during the tribulation period.

Next on the calendar of the Lord is that promise of a great move of the Spirit on the youth of the world. Joel 2:28-29 The end result of such a mighty move will be the fulfillment of the promise given of a perfect church, who is to be the Bride of Christ. Eph. 5:25-27 For all the naysayerís have declared, it to be an impossibility that any person reach such a status of perfection, Paul made it very clear that the Lord would have a people, ìnot having spot, or wrinkle, or any such thing; but that it should be holy and without blemish.î v.27 If that isnít mature, full grown and perfect then what is? If I am still alive at the time when the Lord Jesus becomes a Bridegroom and His Church His Bride, I most definitely would not want to miss this crowning act of the church age.

ìLet us be glad and rejoice , and give honor to Him: for the marriage of the Lamb is come and His wife has made herself ready.î Rev. 19:7 This is one of those areas where we have to remember that the Book of Revelation is not written in chronological order. The marriage of the Lamb is not an event which takes place in heaven but here on earth. Now, in order to properly understand the order of events which take place in the very end of the age, we must know that the second coming and the rapture are one and the same event. An occurrence which will not take place until all who are to be resurrected at His coming, have died. The scripture has declared to us beyond the shadow of a doubt that there will be saints who die under the persecution of the ungodly trio who will reign on earth during that period of time. The Lord has established His own time schedule and will not deviate from His plan under any circumstances. He will come when all the signs have been displayed and not before.

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