Fruit is a required product from the tree. The harvest of the fruit of the righteous, the just person, becomes a tree dispensing life to all who participate of that bountiful yield.Prov. 11:30 Jesus referred often to trees. He likened them to the religious who bore no fruit and were fit only to be destroyed by fire. Mt. 7:19 He also used the fruitfulness of a tree as being the identifying component of a good and worthwhile tree. Mt. 7:20 He cursed the fig tree when He found no fruit growing on it and it dried up and died. This was prophecy of the judgment of the Lord on a nation that was rejecting Him. 

Mt .21:19EVERY VINE OR TREE must be pruned in order to bear fruit. Unpruned the growth is in its branches and foliage to the detriment of the fruit. EVERY branch is trimmed. None are excluded. The explicate purpose is the addition of more fruit to the tree. John 15:2 Please take note that the ability to receive whatsoever we ask for, from the Father is linked into being fruitful. It pays dividends in every way. By the way, who chose whom? John 15:16 Correction is not excluded from the Christian life. It is the yield of the tree that is sought for and of value. Righteousness, is the proof of having been corrected.Heb. 12:11 The woodshed experience is a thing of the past. Perhaps some reading this will not understand. Pieces of wood were easily found in the shed where wood was stored. It was there one was hauled for the application of learning and correction. To be without correction is a sign of illegitimacy. Every son is corrected, no one is left out. This is a source and means of creating fruit. Heb. 12:8 The fruit of the Spirit is the evidence of all the pruning and correction that has been applied to the tree. Gal. 5:22 The tree of life will reach an apex in its growth and fruitfulness. At such a time it will reach all the perfection that the Lord has prepared for it. The fruit of the Spirit will be fully manifest in the Bride in the end of the age.

Deep within the heart and spirit of every true believer, there is strong longing and sometimes a feeling of loneliness awaiting the final intent of the Lord. When that desire is consummated we will fully understand the true meaning of the tree of life. When the desired one, the Lord Jesus, will reveal Himself to the Bride her desires will be achieved. Prov. 13:12 What is our worship for, what is our praise for other than to endeavor to express to the Lord the love that we have for Him. This love is not one sided. Both love equally, for His love is shed abroad in our hearts by the Holy Ghost. The workings of the Spirit in our spirit will bring the level of our love for Him, to the equal measure of His love for us. How else could mere human beings love and respond to Him, and be on a par with Him. The tree of life is important in the divine design of the Lord. The Bride and the Bridegroom are the tree of life. One is not complete without the other.

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