THE SONG CONTINUED.Song 5:16 The one who is ALTOGETHER LOVELY. The sum and substance of all that is desirable. There is a majesty in the Lord Jesus and about Him that far supersedes all that mankind has proclaimed to be appealing. However great the feeling of deep affection and love for another person in our lives has been, our love for Him can be and must be far greater. The most lovable cannot stir the deep emotion of love that He does in our hearts. As we express our love for Him, He reciprocates and suddenly our hearts feel the strength of the one who is love personified. Love is not love outside of Christ. May we indeed make Him to be our lover. When His love abides in us we walk in that love and manifest it to others.

THIS IS MY BELOVED.Song 5:16 Possessing but not possessive. Assurance that He is mine. The evidence of an undivided commitment on the part of both parties. Confidence, assuring that each is aware of the emotions and love of the other. Just to whisper His name, in love, will excite the very depths of love within our spirit man. No more precious words can be uttered, other that to say, He is mine and I am His.

HE IS MY FRIEND.Song 5:16 A friend is one who loves at all times. Prov. 17:17We may strain our friendship with the Lord but his love is still extended to us. It is said that a friend is really a friend when we can be with them and do not need to entertain or carry on a conversation with them. Jesus is that kind of a friend, whether we are praying or praising Him, or just silent before Him, He is there. We could never find a friend with a higher position. He is The Lord of all.

The vine of the Lord was Israel of old. The Lord brought a vine out of Egypt. Ps. 80:8-19 The heathen were removed and that vine prospered and grew, filling the land. The Lord removed His hand of protection from them for they deserted Him. They were planted as a choice vine. One of excellent seed. But they turned into a degenerate vine. A vine that was wayward, corrupt and wild. Jer. 2:21 This vineyard is identified as being Israel. Isa. 5:7 This fifth chapter of Isaiah is showing the punishment of the Lord against Israel and Judah. It is a devastating judgment upon the two nations because of their turning from the Lord.

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