I THE LORD DO KEEP IT. Isa. 27:3 How true and fitting for the relationship between the husbandman and his garden. Could there possibly be any other that would have the concern and interest that He would have? The Lord is the keeper of His vineyard. He will not only maintain it but He will protect it as well. His love, His concern, His whole life is involved with His vineyard. He will shelter His own in the wilderness and preserve them in that time of trouble. Ps. 32:7 The promises of His ability to watch over and protect are recorded throughout the Word. The desert place could be anywhere on earth but most likely it will be the same wilderness through which Israel wandered on their way to the promised land. It makes no difference. Anywhere that He would choose His presence would have the same effect. Absolute security. No worries, complete confidence as His Bride and He rest in His love. With God in her midst, watching over and protecting her, there will be no concern. Ps.46:5 The Lord will constantly watch over and keep His people in His everlasting arms.

I WILL WATER IT.Isa. 27:3 Water in this instance has a twofold meaning. The Spirit and the Word, which of course agree. One of the promises pertaining to the wilderness is the abundance of waters. It is repeated several times. Always the great need of vegetation is that of rain or water. The irrigation system of the Lord will be perfect in the wilderness. Waters will gush forth from the ground and there will be streams in the desert as well as springs bubbling forth, all to such a degree that in place of the mirage there will be pools of water. Isa. 35:6-7

PLANTED IN THE HOUSE OF THE LORDPS. 92:13 Not only are they planted in the house of the Lord but they are also the sanctuary or the temple of the Lord. As with any plant there will be growth, budding, flowering and fruit bearing. Anything that the Lord involved Himself in will achieve its purpose. This vine will flourish in the House of the Lord. It will spread out and break forth in fruit.

A PEOPLE ALL RIGHTEOUS.Isa. 60:21 Not only will all who are a part of the planting of the Lord be pure and holy, but one hundred percent of that group will be righteous. The land will be their inheritance eternally, for they are a people for time and eternity. The uncircumcised of heart and that which is unclean will not be found there. Isa. 52:1 This people will reign on the earth, both old and new. Rev. 5:10 The Lord has a definite purpose in growing His vine. Every plant that He has not planted will be rooted up. There will be no false plants, no weeds nor tares mingled with these who are the handy work of our Lord. Mt. 15:13 The plant flourishes now, it will succeed as long as the earth will last, and it will really increase in the New Heavens and the New Earth.

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