Saturday, February 14, 2004

THE NUMBER SIX. The day of the creation of man, therefore the number six represents mankind. While man was created without fault or sin. He was just one number short of perfection, the number seven. This was the last day of the work week of the Lord in creation and established an example of the work week that was to be enjoined on man, under the Law. Gen. 1:31 The seventh day was designated as a day of rest. Man was the crowning creation of the Lord, in that week of creation. The blending together of the macros and the micros shows beyond a shadow of a doubt that a Divine power and intelligence produced the whole of creation. The way the universe maintains its circuit in perfect order manifests the ability of one who is in control and orders the whole. The Lord is the head over all things and is the force that causes all things to hold together. Col.1:17 The measurement of a day with the Lord. He has stated that a day of His reckoning is like a thousand years for man. Without a doubt the Lord could have accomplished the work of creation using twenty-four hour days. Using a day that measures a thousand years, to Him would have been the same as one of earths regular days. When one is Eternal, what is the meaning of time? Time was brought into being for mans use. Ps. 90:4, 2 Peter 3:8 

AN ALLOTTED TIME OF SIX DAYS FOR LABOR. The Lord established the pattern for men in the work week of His creation. Ex. 20:11 spiritual work Man in six days was to complete his work for the week. Even our physical bodies are created with this in mind. A day of rest is vital to our well being. Ex. 20:9 The Lord consistently has used type and symbol to proclaim and foreshadow a spiritual work which He will fulfill. For instance, the week of salvation is also to have six work days. Four days, or four thousand years from Adam to Christ [the last Adam]. Two days, or two thousand years from Christ to the end of the age. We are coming to the conclusion of the second or the last day of redemption. Hosea prophesied of these two days and then the resurrection of the righteous and the third day, or the seventh, the millennial reign of Christ we will live in His sight. Hosea 6:2 The third day, the Sabbath day is not only the day of rest but it is the day of resurrection. 1 Cor. 15:4 The presence of the Lord came upon Mt Sinai and remained for six days. On the seventh day the Lord communicated with Moses and revealed His purposes to him. Ex. 24:16 The day of Passover was preceded by the feast of unleavened bread. All leaven was to be completely removed from their dwelling places. The seventh day was the Feast of Passover. It was a time of purification and cleansing for all Israel. When we partake of Passover or the Communion our hearts and lives are to be clean and pure before the Lord. All leaven, all iniquity and imperfections are to be laid aside. If there is a need for it, confession must be made so that we partake of the Body of the Lord with a cleansed spirit, body and soul. The total man must be in full accord with the Lord Jesus. It is not a religious act it is a spiritual fellowship with Him. 1 Cor. 10:16