Saturday, February 21, 2004

THE NUMBER SEVEN. The most predominant of all the numbers of the Bible. Evident from Genesis to Revelation. From the beginning of the history of this earth to its conclusion. The number of divine perfection and completion. The Lord, in creation worked the six days and rested the seventh. Establishing for mankind a pattern that was to be their weekly order. Likewise showing that He would deal with man for six days or six thousand years and that the seventh day of one thousand years would be a day of rest. As He did in the week of creation, so He will do in the week of salvation. It is well that we note the Words of the Lord Jesus proclaiming that the day was made for the benefit of man and not man for the day or to be brought into bondage to the day. Mark 2:27 

THE SEVENTH DAY OR THE MILLENNIUM. TRIBULATION SAINTS, those will be martyred, beheaded by the antichrist because they believed in Jesus and accepted the Word of the Lord. They completely refused to accept any of the demands of the powers that are in control during that period of time. They are given the right to judge, actually they will have already done so by their refusal to give into the antichrist. They are privileged to live and reign with Christ during the Sabbath day, the one thousand years of rest. Rev. 20:4 The first resurrection, the Second Coming of Christ will not happen until after the tribulation for these who resist unto death are a very definite part of the first resurrection. They are exalted to the status of a priest of God and of Christ. They will also reign with Him for the thousand years. That would elevate them to a position of a king. So they are kings and priests unto the Lord. Rev. 20:5 Due to the fact that these are a positive part of the first resurrection and they do not die until during the tribulation, the Second Coming of Christ cannot take place until the close of the tribulation period. The Second Coming of Christ is the conclusion of the tribulation period and the beginning of the millennium. They are designated as being a blessed and holy people for they have a definite part in the first resurrection. That which happens when Jesus comes a second time. Rev. 20:6 

THE KING OF EVIL SIZED AND INCARCERATED. There can be no question as to the person who is to be arrested. He is named as being the great dragon, the old serpent, the devil and Satan. He will be chained, locked up and sealed in for the thousand years. He will be bound by the chain in the hand of the angel and be kept in total darkness. Rev. 20:1-2 It is a day of rest and freedom from all of his works. No evil or sinners will be found in the thousand years. He will be unable to reach the nations of the kingdom of the Lord. At the conclusion of the millennial rest Satan will be loosed for a very brief time that the Lord might bring to a conclusion his judgment. Beyond the seventh day or the seventh thousandth year is to be found the New Heavens and the New Earth. That which is eternal.