Saturday,March 6, 2004

. The sixth day became a day of gathering [Ex. 16:5] and preparation for them. All that
was to be consumed on the seventh day was not only gathered but also prepared in what ever manner they chose/ [Ex.16:22-24]. In this fashion the Lord fed Israel for the entire time of their trip through the wilderness. This is a wonderful type of the out pouring of the Spirit and a renewal of a ministry of the Word in the end of the age. We are coming to the conclusion of the six thousand years of the week of the Lord. Everything spiritual has the stamp of the double portion on it. The double portion, is not simply twice as much but means a fullness. For instance, in the activities of the Holy Spirit, it is the same measure that was in Christ, an
anointing which cannot be measured. John 3:34

THE DOUBLE PORTION WAS ALLOTTED TO THE FIRSTBORN SON. It was an inheritance that could not be denied him. Even though he were
the son of a wife who was disliked, the double portion could not be denied the eldest son. Deut. 21:17 Jacob is often maligned because he recognized
the inheritance of the eldest son to be of great value. For all the bargaining that may have transpired, there are two attitudes that must be considered.
First the extremely short vision of Esau. He said he was famishing with hunger. He sought to satisfy the natural man and his appetites. It could easily be said of him that he was of the flesh, fleshly. He also despised the most precious of family heirlooms, his birthright. Esau had no vision for the future. He lived only for today. Gen. 25:32-34 Jacob, on the other hand rightly evaluated the birthright blessing. Though the price he paid was dirt cheap, Jacob did pay for it. He did not force Esau to agree to the price he offered him. Jacob had every right to receive his fathers blessing. He had purchased it in a legitimate sale.

A DOUBLE PORTION FOR ELISHA. The touch of the mantel of Elijah had so stirred the heart of Elisha that he is now requesting a like spirit and anointing. 2 Kings 2:9 Just a taste of the power of the spirit can create a great hunger and longing for much more. This relationship between these two prophets carries a beautiful symbol of the church in the end of the age. A church with a strong desire to walk in the power and the spirit of their Christ. What Elisha was to receive was because of his persistent walk and refusal to be separated from him. Elisha could not be deterred from following Elijah. He was determined to go with him to the end. Then, and most importantly, he must see Elijah ascend into the heavens. 2 Kings 2:10 Without a vision the people perish. There is only one vision. Sirs, we would see Jesus. With our eyes fixed on Him we will enter into an experience in the Spirit that knows no equal, except that of the Lord Jesus Christ.