Saturday, January  31, 2004

THE FIVE INGREDIENTS OF THE HOLY INCENSE. Each of the ingredients was to be of equal measure. Four were aromatic spices, while the fifth was salt, the binding agent. The general use of salt is for seasoning or preservation. These ingredients were well mixed and ground together, typifying the prayer of travail, both of the Lord Jesus and His church. Real, desperate prayer often is born of trial and difficulty. This incense when burned before the Lord represented the prayers of the saints. Rev. 8:3 It was offered on the Altar of Incense and also carried with the priest on the great day of atonement when he went in to minister before the Lord at the Ark of the Covenant and in particular the Mercy Seat. Lev. 16:12 With the various times when they were to offer incense there should have been a constant sweet smell before the Lord in the house of worship. David offered his prayer as an incense, a sweet smelling savor before the Lord. Ps. 141:2 These were called principle spices, or the very best. The best, the first always belongs to the Lord. Ex. 37:29 It was an incense which was to be used exclusively for worship. No one was allowed to imitate or duplicate it for their own use, regardless of its pleasing aroma. Ex. 20:37 To do so was to invite certain judgment and death. The Lord hates an imitation or a false use of things that are Holy. Ex. 30:38 

STACTE. Meaning to drop, thus it speaks of that which drops from the tree. There is no more precious perfume than that which comes from a tree located on Mount Calvary. The precious blood of the Lamb. 

ONYCHA. The shell of a univalve common to the Red Sea. The creature must die that it may be included in this Holy ingredient. Furthermore to obtain its fragrance the shells had to be burned. Christ Jesus tasted death for every person. Heb. 2:9 He suffered for us all that we might not have to suffer for our sins. 

GALBANUM. Said to occur in small round tear shape droplets, White in color. Some say that it has a pleasant odor and a bitter taste. All of which continue the thought of the sufferings of Christ for all humanity. In prayer, in Gethesamane He sweat great drops of blood as He interceded for humanity. Luke 22:44 The whole of the experience of Calvary was a bitter, sweet experience for Him. My God, My God why have you forsaken me. What extremely great agony He felt spiritually, at Calvary. Mt. 27:46 

PURE FRANKINCENSE. The predominant odor. Has a bitter taste. From a tree which has had an incision made in the bark. The fragrance of the cross which lingers even to today. The gift of frankincense by the wise men foreshadowed His death on the tree. He took our curse. Gal. 3:13 

SALT. That which seasons and makes things palatable. An ingredient in cooking which is considered essential. To be salty is to have the beauty and flavor of the Spirit of Christ in us. Making the effects of the Gospel of Christ to be something that is desired. It is evident that salt is used as an example of unity among the brethren. It is symbolic of having the peace of God with one another. That can apply from the personal family unit to the family of the Lord. Have salt, be at peace. Mk. 9:50 Be salty.